I really meant to post last week, just like I really meant to post yesterday; last week, however, was all about pies and Thanksgiving, and yesterday I was too tired to do anything that required real thought. (I did dice a bunch of ham, though.) Pie Night requires shopping at the beginning of the week, followed by 24-48 hours of intermittent pie making, followed by packing up pies/pie ingredients/overnight things/Thanksgiving food assignment needs to head up to my in-laws’ house. And THEN there’s the eating of the pies, the prepping of Thanksgiving food, Thanksgiving dinner with family, and games. We did come home Thanksgiving night this year, but between tired kids and the need to decorate for Christmas (I don’t love it when Thanksgiving’s so late), well–it took a lot out of everybody. We were on the road to recovery when my hubby took the middles to Saturday night’s BYU game–a pox on games that start at 8:15 pm!–and then last night I took the older girls to see their cousin play Babette in her high school’s production of ‘Beauty and the Beast.’ (Which I found unexpectedly moving.) So MUCH tired!
Anyway. I certainly need to review books still, but for today, here’s our pie rundown:
Me: This Apple Cherry Cream Cheese Pie, which got overdone. I wish I could taste it at the proper level of doneness–and I wish Utah stores actually sold McIntosh apples.
My Hubby: This Mountain Dew Pie with Doritos Crust. The flavor wasn’t terrible–it had the sweet-salty thing going for it, even if in a strange way–but the tough, rubbery texture of the Doritos in the crust was not enjoyable.
Child #1: This Grape Cream Pie. It was pretty good–kind of like a grape popsicle–but the flavor would have been much better with a homemade crust rather than a cheap store-bought one. On the other hand, she was too busy with schoolwork to want to make one, and I respect that.
Child #2: This Strawberry Lemonade Freezer Pie, which might have been my favorite one of the night. Bright flavors are a happy thing!
Child #3: He made his up. It would have been good if he’d stuck with a brownie layer (from a box mix), a whipped cream layer, and a cut-up candy bar layer, but for a “crust” he got his younger sister to help him pull the colorful bits off of two boxes of Cosmic brownies and then mushed them all together with some milk before pressing it into a springform pan. The gooey result was definitely not my favorite thing.
Child #4: This Homemade Oreo Ice Cream Pie, which was incredibly rich but undeniable tasty.
That was it for our family. Anybody else make any new and delicious pies this year?