I Hang My Head in Shame
My neighbor had a hip transplant this week, and he and his wife are pretty much the best neighbors ever (together with the Beatties, my awesome neighbors when I was a kid), so the girlies made him get well cards and I made treats. And on Tuesday night I brought him over the cards and the plate of treats. I did.
And then there was the rest of the pan.
And now it’s gone.
It is true that I gave a few to the kiddos–more so to the ones who are home for lunch–and my hubby had a couple. I also gave one to a friend today, in a tragic ‘too little too late’ attempt at self-defense. As for the rest?
Yeah, I ate them.
I cannot tell a lie. I’m pretty sure I ate more than half the pan in three days. And no, I’m not proud of this, but they kept calling to me. Seductively. In that ‘just one little piece, no one’s looking!’ kind of way. And I caved. Every time.
I think part of the problem was that I wasn’t quite expecting them to be THAT good. I was looking for a really easy recipe, so I broke out 101 Things to Do with a Cake Mix and picked something that looked enjoyable, but I wasn’t expecting the yumminess that was the Reese’s Pieces Bars. I love homemade, from-scratch treats, but a little easy warm sweet goodness is never a bad thing. Here goes:
You take 1 yellow cake mix, 2 eggs, and 1/3 cup oil. Mix them together, add 1 1/2 cups of Reese’s Pieces and mix them in, and bake at 350 for 13-19 minutes in a greased 9 x 13 pan. Take them out when they’re golden brown, let them cool just enough to cut, and go to town. (I have a slow oven, so I did 19 minutes, although the original recipe actually said 13-17.) You have to like Reese’s Pieces, of course, and it takes a bigger bag to be sure to get the full cup and a half, but oh, my. I really just couldn’t stop eating them.
And to my husband, who always reads my posts and only got three bars in three days?
Sorry, honey.
The dangers of laying in bed with my kindle, ice packs, and pain killers? Read the post, ordered the cookbook. Now can’t get Reese’s Pieces off of my fuzzy mind.