Changes Coming
I was contemplating what to write about tonight, since I am plenty tired and haven’t tried any new recipes since the pancakes (or finished any books since Saving Lucas Biggs), and I decided I ought to officially announce on here that come next week, regular posts will not so much be happening for a while. My 3rd c-section is scheduled for Tuesday, and since c-sections come with a four-day hospital stay, well, I won’t be saying much next week. And after that? Well, I will then have four children at home, and I imagine that will require some adjustment (this is me understating, by the way). I would like to try and keep up, mind you, but I’m not crazy enough to think that’s going to happen right away. For now, then, I’ll post at least once more before the baby’s born, and we’ll just see where it goes from there. In the meantime, suggestions for baby girl names will still be considered through Monday…