A Running–Flying?–Joke
Last night I finished William Shakespeare’s The Empire Striketh Back, by Ian Doescher, and OH. MY. GOSH. I know I said that the first installment in the trilogy was hilarious, but I really think this one was even better. The banter between Leia and Han is just that much more fun in iambic pentameter, and the comic relief scene between two guards discussing Imperial building codes…ahh. (I made my hubby read that one before I went on, since he was sitting next to me.) What I possibly liked best, though, was rediscovering the movie’s best running joke. My dad hates sad endings, and so while I’d seen the 1st and 3rd movies more than once when I was pretty young, I didn’t see ‘Empire’ until later, and therefore haven’t seen it as many times as the others. I’d forgotten how many times the hyperdrive fails, and Han’s (and then Lando’s) response is “it’s not my fault!” Even after they finally make the jump into light speed, however, the book still ends with a bang. (Tiny spoiler–the Chorus makes good use of the phrase ‘by George’.) Bottom line? I loved it. I love both the idea of the trilogy AND the execution.
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