Sep 24, 2015 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on A First For Me

A First For Me

My friend Britt has been receiving books to review on her blog ( for quite some time; I finally asked her how to go about making that happen for myself, and I am pleased as punch to present my very first review of a book sent to me for precisely that purpose.  Wahoo!

The premise of You Look Yummy amused me from the get-go.  What’s not to love about a baby herbivore who hears a Tyrannosaurus say “You look Yummy!” and assumes that he’s his daddy, calling him by name?  The surprised ‘father figure’ (that phrase will ALWAYS make me think of George Michael) finds himself in an unexpected role; he steps up, however, and like any good parent, puts his “child’s” needs ahead of his own.  (Warning:  Parents might shed a tear or two at the ending.)  Tatsuya Miyanishi’s Tyrannosaurus series is wildly popular in Japan, and Museyon, an independent publisher, is releasing You Look Yummy this November.  The art is simple and bold–Bob Shea comes to mind, although that’s not quite it–and the text is straightforward in a way that allows the reader to fill in the Tyrannosaurus’s emotions for herself.  Or himself.  If you have a dinosaur lover at home, don’t miss this.

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