Is 6 Stars an Option?
I want it to be, because seriously, I loved Counting by 7s that much. My friend Andrea picked it for book club, and while it looked good, the size put me off for a bit. (It’s a stage of life problem.) I finally went for it, however, and OH. MY. GOSH.
I loved it. I was SURPRISED by it, both by the book itself and by how very much I loved it. Not many authors can take a scene of heart-wrenching tragedy (that is not hyperbole, by the way) and interject laugh-out-loud comic relief without detracting from the poignancy of the moment; Holly Goldberg Sloan, however, can. And does.
What is it about, you ask? Well, 12-year-old (or thereabouts) Willow is a genius whose parents are killed in a car crash at the beginning of the novel. That sounds like a depressing premise, right? And yet–this is an uplifting book. AND a funny one. Willow’s transition to her new reality–one she helps shape in surprising ways–makes for a story you don’t want to miss. I’m not sure I can easily tell you more than that.
Bottom line? Buy this book.
Buy it now.
It’s THAT worth it.