May 15, 2018 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Skimmed It, Loved It, Recommending It

Skimmed It, Loved It, Recommending It

I checked The Van Gogh Deception out of the library for my oldest, because she loves both art and mysteries.  (AND because a friend of mine from college who is now a middle school librarian in Texas reviewed it on her blog.)  I skimmed it this past weekend before passing it on to her, and I have to say–it did not disappoint.  It was suspenseful, it was interesting, and it held me from the beginning, and I want to say more about it but I’m apparently too tired to give a brief synopsis (that requires focus) OR a detailed one (that requires staying awake long enough to do it).  Just go read it, folks–it’s got heroic kids, dastardly professional criminals, a weasel or two, and some good people adults to balance them out.  (Not to mention QR codes throughout, so that you can view the paintings being referenced.)  You can’t ask for much more in a good art mystery!

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