Aug 7, 2018 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Getting Things Done

Getting Things Done

Do your children beg to go to the dentist?  Mine do.  I never disliked the dentist as a child, but I don’t remember actively looking forward to it; my children, on the other hand, are constantly asking me when they can go again and if I’ve made their appointments.  (One of them declared that a dentist appointment would be a perfect birthday activity.)  Yesterday was finally the day of their scheduled summer cleanings, which means that I can put off the clamor for the next six months.  All three (my 3-year-old played at my fabulous aunt’s house) passed with flying colors, while I, on the other hand, appear to have the second cavity of my adult life.  (I had 3 after getting my braces off, but I was 13.)  Add that to my yearly OB checkup today, which was followed by three sets of essentially the same form to fill out at school registration, and it hasn’t exactly been a week of cracking good fun thus far.  (Can you tell I’m listening to a very British audiobook at the moment?)  On the other hand, I’ve at least done some of the things.  Maybe now I’ll manage more time to actually finish a book?

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