I totally have more books waiting to be reviewed, folks–two sitting in front of me and two more in my bedroom. Today, however, I completed a PROJECT, and I’d rather rejoice in that for an evening than think critically. Don’t judge.
SO. We got new carpet in our living room a couple of years ago, and painted the walls and ceiling while we were at it. Most of the random display items that got boxed up in the process never made it back out; I was going to dust the near-the-ceiling shelf, I was going to paint the trim, I was going to do all the things, but life happened, and I didn’t. (Shocker.) At some point, however, my hubby brought into the living room a curio cabinet inherited from his parents. It’s been sitting there with DVDs on a couple of the shelves, a few display items on others, and several shelves unusable for lack of–shelf pins? Is that what they’re called? Anyway. Today I removed two of those–there were two types in there–and brought them with me to Lowe’s for comparison. (Lowe’s, by the way, is distinctly out of my comfort zone.) I was directed to the correct aisle and managed (after a good bit of reading drawer labels and staring and comparing) to commit to what seemed to be the closest to what I’d brought with me. (They were so lightweight that self-checkout kept insisting I wasn’t bagging them, and the helper person had to override the cranky machine.) After doing preschool pickup and feeding myself and my 5-year-old, I set to dusting and placing shelves, retrieving curios from the basement and dusting them (often with our electrical blower), and arranging them in such a way as to maximize every bit of space I could. I put off exercising until later than I prefer and my 13-year-old ended up making dinner, but I finished. (I even stowed the displaced DVDs in the bottom drawer, which had been empty. I asked my neighbor to jimmy the lock–I think the key may have fallen behind the bookcase–and then I propped the unlocked door strategically so that it wouldn’t fall open.) I now have a stocked curio cabinet and–wonder of wonders–a notable amount of empty space where the displaced curios had been. And nothing is sitting out looking for a new home, because I UTILIZED UNUSED SPACE BY PUTTING THINGS WHERE THEY BELONG. Revolutionary, right? It’s such a beautiful thing! If I knew how to post pictures on here, I would totally do it; it’s after 11, however, and since I still need to shave my legs, the time has come for us to part. (Points if you caught the subtle Anne of Green Gables reference.) May we all sleep the sleep of the tired!