Aw, Man!
I finished The Secret Science Alliance and the Copycat Crook tonight and just realized that while it sounds like a series–it seems like it ought to be a series–it’s NOT a series. Not even a trilogy or duology, folks. It’s ONE book.
That’s a wicked bummer.
Still, though, if you have kids who enjoy science, gadgets, and/or graphic novels, this tale of an inventing trio should be right up their alley. I got a kick out of it myself, even though the quantity of things to look at on some of the pages was occasionally overwhelming. Eleanor Davis even weaves in a theme of self-esteem and self-acceptance, giving it a bit more depth than it might have had. If your kiddos have graduated from the “Lunch Lady” books and are looking for something up a reading level or two, check this one out.
In other news, I’m taking a week or so off for some family time, so you don’t have to worry that I’m spacing again. See you in the June-teens!