Survival–So Far
We have survived the first two days of school, folks. Of course, it was two early days in a row for the elementary kids, and I mostly ran errands instead of accomplishing much at home, but we have survived. Next up–a full week, starting Monday!
Anyway. Last night I took the time to finish Steve Sheinkin’s last ‘Time Twisters’ novel–Amelia Earhart and the Flying Chariot. I wasn’t terribly looking forward to it, to be honest with you–I prefer Sheinkin’s stuff for somewhat older readers, which is brilliant, and Amelia Earhart isn’t a historical figure I’m passionate about–but I enjoyed it more than I expected to. The Earhart/Ancient Greece mashup works nicely, and elementary readers should enjoy the kinds of details of early Olympic competition that Sheinkin includes. The ending didn’t feel as much like a series finale as I was expecting–could more books be coming?–but it was entertaining. I’m hoping my 10-year-old son will enjoy it!