Jun 3, 2024 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on A (Hopefully) Calmer Week

A (Hopefully) Calmer Week

Technically, it wasn’t supposed to be–we were supposed to go to Kanosh to visit our friends there tonight. But there was vomit Saturday, there are eye crusties and sore throats, and clearly we need to hunker down and NOT SHARE whatever plagues we have going on. Which is why, at 10:05, I’m still in my jammies with unbrushed teeth; on the other hand, I’m also reviewing Haven: A Small Cat’s Big Adventure, so that’s something.

Haven is actually by the author of graphic novels Allergic and Squished; surprisingly, though, it isn’t even illustrated. It is short, though–130 pages or so–and thus it felt doable on short notice. The title gives you much of what you need to know about the plot, although it helps if you know that Haven’s big adventure involves trying to get help for her elderly, sick human. Throw in woods, a town, a fox, and a bobcat, and you’ve got plenty of drama in those 130 pages. I’m not sure what my kiddos will think–it doesn’t quite fit what any of them are currently most into–but I’d recommend it anyway.

In the meantime, I’m pondering buying tomato plants today, since I think that’s all we’ll be growing this year. We’re several weeks late, but life happens, right? There are also library books to return and laundry to do, so I imagine we’ll fill the day. (The best part is that my hubby took my car to register it on his lunch break, and my littles are cleaning out his car of their own accord!)

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