Jun 5, 2024 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on The Plague Has Caught Up With Me

The Plague Has Caught Up With Me

Seriously, folks–this is one beast of a summer cold. My throat is starting to hurt, I had to take cold medicine in the middle of the night last night, and oh, the stuffiness and the tired!

Anyway. On the other hand, I did finish reading Stolen Science: Thirteen Untold Stories of Scientists and Inventors Almost Written out of History aloud to my 9-year-old the other day, and it was both a good length for a read-aloud and a fascinating book. And, interestingly enough, it didn’t have quite as many villains as I thought it might; in some cases, one or more colleagues of the scientist/inventor tried to make sure credit was given where credit was due. Sometimes the more villainous prevailed; occasionally, public sentiment did what it wanted to (regardless of the actual facts); and frequently it was a little more complicated. Whatever the circumstances, budding history and science fans will find a wealth of interesting information here–and history’s record is set straighter for this book’s existence. (Yes, that’s an awkward sentence, but I’m sick and tired.)

Bottom line? Middles graders–and adults who lack the time and concentration for longer works about the same topic–should definitely check out this one.

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