Jun 24, 2024 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Welp…


I mean–to be fair, my niece and her hubby and kiddos–who are 1 and barely 4–stayed with us on Friday and Saturday nights and went to church with us on Sunday, so we were getting ready for guests last week. And with my older girls gone to girls’ camp, I had no buffers between my 9 and 11-year-olds, who pretty much can’t stop fighting this summer. The older girls got home Friday, my sister and parents got in Thursday, and Thursday evening was my sister-in-law’s birthday, and she just happened to be in Utah for it (even though she lives in Hawaii), which meant a drive to Clearfield. Add to that an impromptu hike with friends, a temple appointment, and a day spent at that friend’s house?

It was legitimately a busy week.

Also, Saturday was my great-nephew’s birthday party–remember how he’s “barely” 4?–so we were gone for much of the afternoon, and then we tended the kiddos that night while my niece and her hubby went to a concert, and their overtired 1-year-old DID NOT ENJOY me giving her a bath. (LOUDLY.) We survived, though, and played a new game on Sunday, and today my sister and I went out to lunch and my parents came to dinner. Tomorrow my son leaves for young men’s camp–he can’t fight with his sister(s) from there, right?–and my car’s supposed to get fixed, so there’s that. Maybe I’ll manage to finish a book, too…

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