Archive from July, 2024
Jul 29, 2024 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Quietly Productive–So Far

Quietly Productive–So Far

That’s what my day has been, folks. My third load of wash is in, I ran to Walmart and got what my hubby needs for his surgery prep, I’ve listened to my conference talk, I’ve emptied my oven drawer and had the kids clear out the path from the door TO the oven (my new one’s due to arrive today! Hurrah!), all the due-and-not-renewable library books are taken care of and waiting to be dropped off at the library…quietly productive, right? And now I get to sit and review Jenn McKinlay’s Summer Reading, which I think I actually finished listening to in Idaho.

McKinlay has multiple cozy mystery series out there, I believe; Britt could tell you all about them. Summer Reading, however, is a blend of chick lit and contemporary romance that served me well during the stress of preparing for a trip so soon after the Barlow family reunion and in the middle of the PTA end-of-year financial headache. It has its flaws, yes–McKinlay’s love scenes aren’t the smoothest-flowing plot furthering events they could be, and the story as a whole moves rather quickly–but the combination of Sam, a dyslexic chef in charge of her much-younger half-brother for the summer, and Ben, an interim library director, is a nice one. I was afraid Sam’s dyslexia was going to be the awkward elephant in the room for three-quarters of the book, but it wasn’t (thankfully!), and Ben’s search for his father makes for a poignant counterpoint to Sam and Tyler’s discovery of themselves as siblings. Most of all, perhaps, I loved the Martha’s Vineyard setting, because I went there probably once or twice a summer for most of my growing up years.

It’s beautiful.

Anyway. If you’re having the kind of summer I am, I recommend Summer Reading as an enjoyable escape from stress. If you’re not, make sure you appreciate it!

Jul 26, 2024 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Productive


I have been productive–I promise! In addition to taking my son to therapy, my furnace filter has been changed, a great deal of cleaning up and organizing has happened in my bedroom, my dishes are done, and a goodly portion of my Finch goals completed. It’s true that I wish I had it in me to write a book review–AND that I wish Marshy were already in his cage for the night–but I suppose we can’t have everything. And give this recipe a try, if you’d like–I used evaporated milk for the cream and 2 8-oz cans of tomato sauce, and with some Italian cheese and Balsamic drizzle on top, it was a hit!

Creamy Tomato Tortellini

Jul 24, 2024 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Hydrating


The local news station says it’s 102 out there, which is why I’m sitting at the computer with some frozen chocolate-covered-raspberries and a big glass of water. My deep freeze may or may not be dead, I still have no oven, and my phone screen is cracked–but my AFR is done, so I’m surviving. (That AFR took up a fair amount of time yesterday, but at least my son and his friend boxed and unboxed all of our no-longer-really-frozen food out of our freezer and into three different freezers in our neighborhood. We have a nice neighborhood–maybe not fancy-nice, but definitely the kind of nice that counts.)

Anyway. On to my first book review in a bit, right? I finished listening to Sarah Adams’ The Match on Friday as we drove home from Idaho–or, more specifically, as my oldest drove home and I vegged in the passenger seat. I wouldn’t actually recommend listening to it over reading it, to be honest–I didn’t love the male narrator, and when you actually TALK about southern accents multiple times over the course of the book, narrators WITH southern accents (or narrators who can credibly fake them) would seem indicated, right? The story, however, is fun. Evie has epilepsy and works for the service dog organization that gave her a level of freedom she hadn’t imagined possible; Jake’s daughter has epilepsy and sets up an appointment for him to meet with Evie without telling him. That first meeting doesn’t go well; the story thereafter, however, is cozily predictable. Evie’s parents are rich and hope to financially manipulate her into living the life they want her to live, while Jake’s ex-wife routinely flakes on time with their daughter (and has quite the Linda-from-“The-Wedding-Singer” moment late in the book). There are definitely extremes here–both the parents and the ex-wife are a little too villainous at times–but if you’re looking for a comfortably happy ending and likeable leads, The Match makes for a solid life-is-stressful-so-my-reading-choices-need-NOT-to-be experience.

I’m rather looking forward to the sequel.

Jul 22, 2024 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Getting There–Slowly

Getting There–Slowly

You can say that again, folks. I’ve finished at least two of the audiobooks Goodreads has me currently reading, but it’s 7:42 and there’s just no way I’m reviewing tonight. So–let’s sum up the last week or so instead!

  1. We left for Idaho on Sunday the 14th. My oldest drove the second half of the drive, and as long as I didn’t concentrate too hard on what she was doing, it was quite nice. (She’s not a bad driver, I’m just easily spooked.)
  2. She had a rough day before we left, which was scary, but she seems to be doing well.
  3. The day before we left was crazy–she went to a baptism, the three younger kids had their piano recital, my niece and her family came to that and stayed to visit with us for a while afterwards, and there was a ward baptism that the older girls and I went to.
  4. Idaho went pretty well. I took each of the kiddos out to lunch one on one, which was nice.
  5. My youngest said her Waffle Love was “pure deliciousness.”
  6. My older three got to go to the temple, and so did I.
  7. My older girls got to float down the Boise River with cousins.
  8. My kids got to see “Inside Out 2” with family; I stayed home with the 3- and 1-year-olds.
  9. My youngest got to have private swimming lessons with her cousin, which went beautifully well.
  10. Evening walks in the summer are totally bearable when you soak your shirt before you leave.
  11. My older girls watched–and enjoyed–“Return to Me” with me, although I took my walk in the middle.
  12. I had a nice birthday, overall.
  13. We made it home safely Friday night and my oldest again drove the second half of the way.
  14. Despite the icky construction traffic.
  15. The big girls are off to FSY and I’m home with the littles this week.
  16. I’m also trying to finish up the PTA financial year. I just want to be DONE.
  17. Okay, that’s it for now. Have a good night all!
Jul 13, 2024 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Keeping My Head Above Water

Keeping My Head Above Water

Or trying, anyway. Today, for example, the kids finally had their piano recital–and they all did so well! Hallelujah! And my niece and her family came to visit for a bit, and I did ALL THE LAUNDRY…yeah. Friday I really meant to post, except that it took ALL my mental energy to work on my PTA sales tax refund, and on, and on, and on…

So. I’m taking the week off to be with family, because FAMILY, and then we’ll see how I do. Wish me luck surviving July!

Jul 8, 2024 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Back? Yes. Recovered? Well…

Back? Yes. Recovered? Well…

Just as far as sleep goes, though. Reunions with my hubby’s side of the family are fun and chill, but it’s not like any of us get to bed on time! Highlights include–me actually winning the macaroni and cheese contest (it was the ham, I’m sure, but I do always make it that way), lots and lots and lots of games, a pickleball tournament (I made it to the second round on the strength of my teenage boy partner), lots of snacks and soda and food in general, and did I mention lots of games? I didn’t even make it down to the lake, but I did take a couple of morning walks, during which I surprised a number of chipmunks and one jackrabbit. I’ve also decided that I quite like having my food assignment over with in the first 24 hours, and I have to thank my early-rising brother-in-law for his help, because my hubby had been SO sore over the previous 48 hours that I just let him sleep. (My son and I could’ve managed, but it was nice to have the extra pair of hands!) We got back on the 4th and my littles got to go to a BBQ at their friends’ house–a conveniently (for us) spaced brother and sister–before we sent everyone to bed early. (Including me. Sadly, my hubby had a harder time falling asleep.)

In other news, we celebrated July birthdays in Clearfield yesterday, with ice cream and toppings for my son and angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream for me. (Also a lemon cheese-cake-y dessert for my in-town brother-in-law and a homemade German chocolate cake for my mother-in-law that my sister-in-law made. The latter was especially tasty…) This morning was back to work for my hubby and back to summer things for the kids and me; also back to my blog, right? And since I finished a graphic novel last night, that’s obviously the review you get from me today.

I honestly can’t remember when Matt Tavares’ Hoops popped up on my radar; the fact that it’s based on a true story, however, as well as the kind of true story it’s based on, immediately sucked me in. 1976 may have been before I was born, but both of my siblings were alive, and the reality of what life was like for girls playing high school sports is always sobering to consider. On the other hand, the difference young people can make, when given half a chance–that’s inspiring. Tavares based his book on the Warsaw High Girl’s Basketball team, and he interviewed three of its members while writing it. This is history, and it matters–AND it’s packaged in a graphic novel that’s engaging and not terribly text-heavy. If you have kids–if you like sports–really, if you live in the world–you should just read it.

Jul 1, 2024 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on How Did This Happen?

How Did This Happen?

I mean, I know how it happened. It happens every other year–I get so caught up in planning for the family reunion that I space the whole BIRTHDAY SHOPPING FOR MY SON thing. Now he’ll be 12 day after tomorrow and, well–we’ll be celebrating later.

Also, I’m taking the week off because family reunion. Have a great 4th of July!