Jul 22, 2024 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Getting There–Slowly

Getting There–Slowly

You can say that again, folks. I’ve finished at least two of the audiobooks Goodreads has me currently reading, but it’s 7:42 and there’s just no way I’m reviewing tonight. So–let’s sum up the last week or so instead!

  1. We left for Idaho on Sunday the 14th. My oldest drove the second half of the drive, and as long as I didn’t concentrate too hard on what she was doing, it was quite nice. (She’s not a bad driver, I’m just easily spooked.)
  2. She had a rough day before we left, which was scary, but she seems to be doing well.
  3. The day before we left was crazy–she went to a baptism, the three younger kids had their piano recital, my niece and her family came to that and stayed to visit with us for a while afterwards, and there was a ward baptism that the older girls and I went to.
  4. Idaho went pretty well. I took each of the kiddos out to lunch one on one, which was nice.
  5. My youngest said her Waffle Love was “pure deliciousness.”
  6. My older three got to go to the temple, and so did I.
  7. My older girls got to float down the Boise River with cousins.
  8. My kids got to see “Inside Out 2” with family; I stayed home with the 3- and 1-year-olds.
  9. My youngest got to have private swimming lessons with her cousin, which went beautifully well.
  10. Evening walks in the summer are totally bearable when you soak your shirt before you leave.
  11. My older girls watched–and enjoyed–“Return to Me” with me, although I took my walk in the middle.
  12. I had a nice birthday, overall.
  13. We made it home safely Friday night and my oldest again drove the second half of the way.
  14. Despite the icky construction traffic.
  15. The big girls are off to FSY and I’m home with the littles this week.
  16. I’m also trying to finish up the PTA financial year. I just want to be DONE.
  17. Okay, that’s it for now. Have a good night all!

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