Jul 24, 2024 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Hydrating


The local news station says it’s 102 out there, which is why I’m sitting at the computer with some frozen chocolate-covered-raspberries and a big glass of water. My deep freeze may or may not be dead, I still have no oven, and my phone screen is cracked–but my AFR is done, so I’m surviving. (That AFR took up a fair amount of time yesterday, but at least my son and his friend boxed and unboxed all of our no-longer-really-frozen food out of our freezer and into three different freezers in our neighborhood. We have a nice neighborhood–maybe not fancy-nice, but definitely the kind of nice that counts.)

Anyway. On to my first book review in a bit, right? I finished listening to Sarah Adams’ The Match on Friday as we drove home from Idaho–or, more specifically, as my oldest drove home and I vegged in the passenger seat. I wouldn’t actually recommend listening to it over reading it, to be honest–I didn’t love the male narrator, and when you actually TALK about southern accents multiple times over the course of the book, narrators WITH southern accents (or narrators who can credibly fake them) would seem indicated, right? The story, however, is fun. Evie has epilepsy and works for the service dog organization that gave her a level of freedom she hadn’t imagined possible; Jake’s daughter has epilepsy and sets up an appointment for him to meet with Evie without telling him. That first meeting doesn’t go well; the story thereafter, however, is cozily predictable. Evie’s parents are rich and hope to financially manipulate her into living the life they want her to live, while Jake’s ex-wife routinely flakes on time with their daughter (and has quite the Linda-from-“The-Wedding-Singer” moment late in the book). There are definitely extremes here–both the parents and the ex-wife are a little too villainous at times–but if you’re looking for a comfortably happy ending and likeable leads, The Match makes for a solid life-is-stressful-so-my-reading-choices-need-NOT-to-be experience.

I’m rather looking forward to the sequel.

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