Aug 16, 2024 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Cookies


I was totally planning on reviewing a book this morning–after all, since the kiddos are back in school, I have mornings again!–but I did the dishes and brushed Marshy (because OH MY GOSH THE SHEDDING EVERYWHERE) and remembered that OH yes, I signed up to make cookies for a funeral today. (A very nice man from the neighborhood who lost his battle with cancer; I didn’t know him well, but he was completely friendly and community-minded.) I wanted to make something interesting, and so despite the lateness of my realization, I opted for these Cranberry White Chocolate Chip Cookies, because I’m a fan of Craisins. I followed the recipe with one change–instead of using white chocolate chips, since I’m not a huge fan of white chocolate in general, I used cream cheese flavored chips, because why not? And I have to say, they were lovely. I only got a couple, true, but had I an appreciative audience, I would TOTALLY make them again. (I’d be tempted anyway, except that making them when I’d be the one mostly eating them would be folly in the extreme. I’m 45, not 25.)

Anyway. I’m therefore doomed to put off my accumulating book reviews until Monday, because we all know I’m not coherent enough to write about ideas at this time of night. (Food, well–I can almost always write about food.) Today my hubby slept much of the day, and it was actually restful, healing sleep, which is exciting. Progress is being made! In the meantime, have a good weekend all, and I hope everyone’s first days went well.

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