Aug 21, 2024 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on I Choose…

I Choose…

Swindle, by Gordon Korman, out of the (at least) four completed books waiting for me to review them. Mostly because it feels like an easy review, and I’m feeling lazy in the writing department. (Not so much in the laundry and computer task departments, thank goodness.) The Amazon summary calls it “Ocean’s 11…with 11-year-olds,” and really, that’s decently accurate; a planning type of kid gets cheated by a local swindler and concocts the most epic plan of his life to rectify the wrong. His family’s financial struggles provide extra motivation, and there’s a memorable dog for all the animal lovers out there. It isn’t one of Korman’s newer titles (it was originally published in 2008), which may be why there’s more action and less emotional depth, but it’s the kind of story that ought to appeal to a broad range of kids. After all, who doesn’t love it when the underdog triumphs over the corrupt? I’m hoping my son will get a kick out of it.

In the meantime, my hubby is getting around better and better, although he’s frequently tired. (I’m attributing that to the healing his body’s doing.) He’s been working from home more, which is good for him–he was getting bored–and it’s especially nice for the kids to have him around more often during the first week or two of school. I hope any kiddos you all care about are settling in well; in the meantime, guesses on when I’ll actually be caught up with book reviews? Because I have no earthly idea…

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