Sep 13, 2024 - Uncategorized    No Comments

I’ve Got It!

And it’s not even a full month late–go me! The ‘it’, of course, is my 15-year-old’s birthday graphic novel, which I finished–and then ordered–yesterday. Cassandra Calin’s The New Girl is the big winner (despite my lingering feeling that Lia’s pose and expression on the cover is eerily reminiscent of a pin-up from the ’40s or ’50s). It is, apparently, a semi-autobiographical tale of immigration to Canada from Romania, and it portrays with both poignancy and humor the difficulties of change, of learning a new language, and of balancing homesickness with the need to step into the new life that is–no matter how you feel about it–yours. It also deals with the unpleasant reality of early periods, in a way that’s both relatable and important. Add to that some well-handled friend issues, and you have a book for teen girls that entertains–AND matters. (And that is coming to live at my house!)

In other news, I’m desperately glad it’s the weekend–AND that my oldest isn’t working for it. We could all use some sleep and R&R! I do need to come up with a meal plan for tonight AND do enough laundry that my jaunt to a midday bridal shower tomorrow won’t throw me badly off-schedule, but those are both doable…ESPECIALLY when there are NO 90s in the 7-day forecast. WAHOO!!!!!!

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