Oct 2, 2024 - Uncategorized    No Comments

I Miss Maine

Sharon Creech is a lovely writer, and when she’s writing about a family that moves from the city to Maine and gets involved with an eccentric woman and her animals–of course it’s going to be good. In this case, I enjoyed it when we listened to most of it in the car on the way home from Idaho months ago, and when I finished listening to it on my own; it being a verse novel, however, with a trace of shape poem going on, I decided to speed read a physical copy before I reviewed it.

I just got to it, and I enjoyed it even more as a physical read.

It’s a mixed blessing, however, to read about Maine in the month of October. It’s lovely to imagine being there, surrounded by trees with the breeze coming off the ocean, but since I’m doing it from a desert-y steppe climate with at least a week more of highs in the 80s ahead–like I said, a mixed blessing. Still, Zora the cow and Mrs. Falala are fantastic characters, and Moo is a funny, poignant, and timeless sort of book. Maybe I’ll tack it on to my sister’s birthday present…

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