Oct 7, 2024 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Capping a Lovely Weekend

General Conference is always a good weekend, even if the thermometer is still stubbornly refusing to leave the 80s until MAYBE the end of the week. And to cap it off, I finished reading Black Leaders in the Civil Rights Movement: A Black History Book for Kids aloud to my youngest. She’s consistently interested in the Civil Rights Movement–Claudette Colvin is one of her favorite historical figures, if you can call her that when she’s still alive–and so this was an interesting read for both of us. As an adult, of course, I didn’t need a reiteration of each acronym in each chapter, but it did make sense for a reference sort of book for kids, and my youngest was into it to the end. There are both well-known and less well known activists referenced, and a good mix of men and women, which makes for a well-rounded reading experience. (Is that a thing? I’ve been fighting the sleepies this afternoon and so this is not my best work…) It’s accessible for mid-elementary age–simply written without feeling too young–and if you’re looking for a read-aloud for Black History Month this February, this is a solid choice for parents and teachers alike.

In the meantime, we’re still trying to solidify logistics for fall break, which is making me a little crazy, but perseverance is the key, right? Wish us luck…

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