Oct 9, 2024 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Fall Break’s A-Comin’

That means, folks, that I’ll be using the break to spend time with family, so you’re going to want to look for me (probably) next Wednesday. In the meantime, however, I finished listening to Wendy Mass’s Finally, the second book in her ‘Willow Falls’ series. I confess, I started out the book with are these parents for REAL? on repeat in my head; by the halfway mark, however, I was enjoying it enormously. (In retrospect, I don’t know that Rory’s parents are supposed to come off as completely realistic, given that the ‘Willow Falls’ books are more magical realism, and I probably should have realized that earlier.)

Perhaps I should back up a bit, though. Rory Swenson’s parents have been telling her for years that she can do this, that, and the other–get her ears pierced, get a cellphone, stay home alone–when she turns 12, and Finally begins shortly before her 12th birthday. As any adult could predict, of course, not all of these new privileges turn out quite how Rory expects (ah, the joys of growing up), and her life is suddenly far more complicated than anyone could have imagined. It’s really a heck of a ride, and my own experiences with allergies and bunny ownership just enriched the experience. For every kid desperate to do all the grown up things, well–this is the book for you. (And your parents.) And for everyone else?

Yeah, you should read it, too.

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