Now That It’s New Years Week…
As opposed to Christmas week, that is. Is anyone really shocked that I missed all of Christmas week? There were all of the Christmas things most people do, plus a few more graphic novels to read before they got wrapped, plus Disney outfits to be found for a Disney-themed Christmas Eve (Olaf, Belle, Fix-It Felix, Wreck-It Ralph, and Anna and Elsa), Mickey cut-out cookies to be made (and, apparently, decorated) as well as mac and cheese with Disney pasta shapes, etc., etc., etc. It was, however, a lovely Christmas–as my Grandpa Mather would say, the Lord sure has been good to us–and now my kiddos are up at my in-laws’ house while my hubby and I have a day or two to chill, it being our anniversary today. It’s lovely to sleep in and not have to feed people!
It’s also lovely to be able to pick and choose random tasks that need doing, and at the moment I’ve decided to review Erin Bow’s Simon Sort of Says, which was a Newbery Honor book for this year and which I loved, loved, LOVED. I want to say that everyone should read it, but since it’s about the survivor of a school shooting, I imagine there are people with their own trauma that might not be up to it. (Although Simon’s story is told with such a beautiful blend of poignancy and hilarity that it’s worth trying by any of those people who think it’s possible they might be up to it.) As for how good it is–if Gary D. Schmidt had written Simon’s story, it couldn’t possibly be any better of a book than it already is, and there’s not really any higher praise I can give. I was enthralled before the end of the first page and stayed enthralled all the way through; I laughed out loud, I absolutely cried, and I’ve already bought my own copy of it. It is an amazing book. (I’m trying to decide if I should give out plot details–do I mention the emus? the disturbingly/hilariously incompetent funeral home employee? a certain squirrel?–but I can’t possibly do justice to it. Just read it already!)
Anyway. That reminds me that I don’t have the ALA awards marked on my calendar for this year yet, so I’m going to move on to other tasks. I hope you’re all relaxing today!