Archive from January, 2025
Jan 29, 2025 - Uncategorized    No Comments


It’s after dinner and I usually don’t have it in me to write a book review by then; on the other hand, I’m determined to get back on track with posts, and my youngest is headed off to dance with her dad, so here we are. First, however, my day…

This morning I fell back asleep while doing my Duolingo, but I still managed to clean out the top two shelves of my fridge (plus the top shelf in the fridge door) before lunch, so go me. Duplicates were combined, sketchy things have been tossed, and yet there’s never as much more space as I expect there to be–probably because organizing what goes back in means nothing’s crammed anymore. Still, it got done, I took my walk, my son’s med check got taken care of, and dinner has been made and consumed by all. (And the leftovers put away–neatly!)

Alrighty then. Last night, while my hubby was at a BYU basketball game with my son and his friend and all the girls were off to bed, I finished listening to Amy Sarig King’s Attack of the Black Rectangles. (It’s been on my radar for a little bit, but my 15-year-old saw it at the library and was interested, so it moved up on my TBR list considerably.) It’s an interesting, almost-a-fable sort of read; the censorship issue itself is believable, but the town’s various rules and ordinances range from unlikely to patently absurd. The author’s point, however, is well made. I always wish such books had more conservative-but-tolerant characters, but the nature of the fable made that less of an issue for me than usual, and I especially appreciate that Mac’s teacher’s capacity for kindness is noted, along with the incredibly important truth that ‘no one is ever just one thing.’ (I will say that Mac is FAR more mature than the average 6th grade boy–I have a summer-birthday-seventh-grade boy at home, and I speak from experience.) Mac’s incredible granddad lends an originality to the common (but realistic and relevant) difficulty of his unimpressive father, and I especially appreciated how his friendship with Marci is handled. All in all, this is a solid story about both censorship and finding your voice, and I’d recommend it. (You don’t have to have read The Devil’s Arithmetic to fully appreciate it, either. I have, so I know!) My biggest criticism is that it moved awfully fast for everything that it packed in; it could easily have longer.

And there you have it, folks–a post-dinner review! Now on to more things on my to-do list…

Jan 27, 2025 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Once A Year

That’s how often the Youth Media Awards are, well, awarded–and announced! And since I’m a book geek, I asked my hubby to take our youngest to school so that I didn’t miss the middle of them. The webcast is only an hour and was in my time zone this year; here’s the first link I found to the results!

2025 Youth Media Award Winners

In the meantime, I’ve also put in two loads of wash this morning, thoroughly swept my floor, read my ‘Come Follow Me’ for the day, listened to my conference talk while working on a puzzle, tidied a few things, AND finished Witches of Brooklyn: What the Hex?!, which my youngest is slightly desperate for. I have to say, I did quite enjoy it–even if Berrit’s thoughtlessness and Effie’s jealousy had to be experienced. The plot played out in a fabulous way, and I appreciated the acknowledge of difficulties and fault at the end. (Because our kids can NEVER see enough modeling of healthy conflict resolution, especially if it’s housed in a story they’ll thoroughly enjoy in the bargain!) The other witches were a hoot–especially Aunt Ma!–and, well, the book is just fun all over. Now for my three girlies to read it so we can check out the next one!

In the meantime, I’m finding room on my library card for the some of the newest award winners, and I’m looking forward to far more than I have room for. Yay for books!

(Oh, and I’m hoping to be better this week at actually accomplishing my posting goals. The kids have been passing around a cold, we’ve had commitments, and–well, it’s been rough!)

Jan 23, 2025 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on A Detour into Visual Art

A Detour into Visual Art

I don’t suppose anyone’s shocked that I didn’t manage a post Monday, since it was a holiday and the kiddos were home; I’m just pleased that I managed two loads of wash and the kids (plus one) had a good time at Classic without fighting. My 15-year-old even helped me prep snowman craft/snack bags for the upper elementary school’s reading party on Tuesday afternoon, which I helped do crowd control for. Yesterday morning I went to the temple, DI, and the library before coming home to eat, exercise, and do laundry, and I did actually mean to post while my kids were all gone–at youth activities and dance–except that my oldest was home sick and wanted to watch “Woman in Gold” with me, and my chances for time to chill with her are not so frequent as they used to be. She’s going to be doing a persuasive writing project in English this semester and decided to do it on some aspect of art restitution, which is why we also watched an incredible documentary called “The Rape of Europa” together last week. (Or maybe the week before?) Both documentary and movie were excellent, and the movie celebrated the outcome of one dispute covered in the documentary, so I’m glad we did the documentary first. I’m not so passionate about the visual arts as my daughter is–literature (and, to a lesser extent, music) is what makes my heart sing–but I’m not wholly without appreciation for them all the same, and I’ve done quite a bit of reading about the Holocaust. I HIGHLY recommend both viewing experiences. (I did cry at the end of “Woman in Gold,” but is anyone really surprised?)

Anyway. I haven’t so much managed to read lately, but hopefully that will come. In the meantime, I at least managed this post–one day late–and I already have my boxes of glass recycling in the car, so I’m going on a trek today. (Construction appears to have resulted in the disappearance of my usual glass recycling drop-off bin, and I’m a little grumpy about it.) Here’s hoping for a productive Thursday!

Jan 17, 2025 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Priorities


The actual reason I didn’t manage a post on Wednesday was simple–my audiobook was due in a day or less, it wasn’t renewable because of other holds, and I absolutely was NOT going to let it get returned unfinished and then wait for weeks to get it back again. (Been there, done that, not fun.) SO, instead of writing a blog post during the morning hours when I had peace, quiet, and the power of concentration, I finished my audiobook and made significant inroads on a puzzle instead. I had hopes of making up for it yesterday, but since that clearly didn’t happen–although applesauce did, so yay for that!–here we are.

I should note that I peeked (very briefly) at the ending of Jamie Sumner’s Rolling On on Tuesday night, which led to the executive decision to put off applying eye makeup until I’d finished it. (This doesn’t feel like much of a spoiler, given that the book description tells you that Ellie’s grandpa’s Alzheimer’s is getting worse and my dad has dementia.) It was, however, even more of a ride than I’d expected. Ellie’s unexpected shift in how she feels about Bert (again, that was in the book description) sends her on a completely understandable what-do-I-do-about-this rollercoaster, but the weird patches that puts their relationship through take the plot in a direction I wasn’t expecting. Coralee, thankfully, is Ellie’s rock throughout, which she needs–especially since her way of dealing with her grandpa’s health issues isn’t the healthiest. Ultimately, this is a lovely book with a bittersweet ending, and my one fault with it is how the bullying incident is handled. While I get the reasoning of the victim, and I can appreciate that Sumner didn’t want to make the rest of the book about that–still no. I just can’t be comfortable with it.

It is, however, still an excellent book.

In the meantime, I have to be somewhere at 11 and I have yet to brush my teeth, so I’d best be about getting ready for the ‘face the world’ part of my day. Here’s to a three-day weekend!

Jan 13, 2025 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on The Things You’d Think

The Things You’d Think

You’d think, for example, that once my kiddos went back to school, I’d have all kinds of more time and wouldn’t be missing posts still, right? And yet. The thing is, I spent last week trying to clean up and organize and reclaim my house from the holidays, and when I wasn’t doing that, I was trying to make enough more treats to finish neighbor plates. (Not everyone on our original list got one, but I’ve accepted it was just that kind of year.) Even yesterday was crazy, given that we had an extra youth broadcast in the evening and we’re still adjusting to noon o’clock church. (Yes, I just did that. I wanted to.) I’ve called it on neighbor treats now, at least–now on to not-Christmas-anymore cards–and after restarting my knitting project and hitting Sam’s Club, I came home to eat and finish Sarah Sax’s Picture Day. Which I did.

So here’s the thing. When I went to bed last night I was about 2/3 of the way through and ready to barf if I had to read some variation of the phrase ‘live your truth’ one more time. (Spoiler alert: I had to read it a few more times today. Thankfully there was no barfing.) I was annoyed at the idea, I was annoyed at Viv, and I was planning on quietly returning the book to the library without anyone else in the house seeing it.


I’m still annoyed at the live your truth thing, of course, because 1)actual objective truth is a thing and 2)BE KIND is a much better phrase to live by. On the other hand, Viv’s friends do a good job of calling her out on all the mistakes she made in pursuit of ‘her truth’, and Viv herself (with her mom’s help) does take what they say and use it to figure stuff out. I’m still likely to have a quick conversation with my youngest about the dangers of that phrase taking precedence over kindness (and/or reality!), but I do think I’ll pass it on to my kiddos and see what they think.

All the same, I’m awfully glad that the sequel/companion novel looks to be a bit of a different kind of story!

Jan 6, 2025 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on An Observation…

An Observation…

It’s late and I still have things to do, but I saw “Wicked” in the theater with my two older girlies tonight, and I’m pretty sure that somehow Rupert Everett and Harry Connick Jr. somehow had a love child and he plays Fiyero in the movie. If you don’t believe me, find a clip of him singing ‘Dancing Through Life’…

Jan 4, 2025 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Hectic


I mean, it’s always hectic when the kids are out of school, but we’ve also been working on neighbor gifts this week (not to mention sleeping in after New Year’s). We did have a nice New Year’s Eve, though–my hubby and I had a beautifully chill day with lunch from Cafe Rio, and the kiddos got home between 4 and 5 or so. We really just had snacks instead of a meal (although we paid for that with the hangry the next day), and my younger two girlies finished a movie they’d been watching and showered while the rest of us played a game. After the game was done we did fireworks and watched ‘The One and Only Ivan’–which was pretty good for a movie adaption of an amazing book–and then I put my youngest to bed and showered while everyone else played a game. The older three all stayed up until midnight–such is life with teens and a tween–but at least we all slept in. On New Years Day we played games and made caramels and got to bed early (thank goodness!), and on Thursday I ran errands with my younger girls and puttered. Yesterday we focused on neighbor gifts, and today we have a wedding at noon!

Anyway. I did finish Wires Crossed this morning while our chocolate muffins were in the oven, and I have to say–it was pretty excellent. It nailed the shifting friendships/self-consciousness about differences aspects of middle school, and at the end it did that thing where the level of talking about feelings and motivations isn’t quite realistic but models healthy growth, communications, and relationships so well that it’s better that way for its audience. (Because middle schoolers need all the healthy modeling they can get.) Mia is thrilled that her best science camp friend is moving to her town, but he ends up being more popular at school than she expected, and complications ensue.

Also a robot.

I almost wish I’d found this one in August–I think my middle girlie will quite enjoy it–but such is life. I’ll have to hope for another good graphic novel to come along in time for her birthday!