A Detour into Visual Art
I don’t suppose anyone’s shocked that I didn’t manage a post Monday, since it was a holiday and the kiddos were home; I’m just pleased that I managed two loads of wash and the kids (plus one) had a good time at Classic without fighting. My 15-year-old even helped me prep snowman craft/snack bags for the upper elementary school’s reading party on Tuesday afternoon, which I helped do crowd control for. Yesterday morning I went to the temple, DI, and the library before coming home to eat, exercise, and do laundry, and I did actually mean to post while my kids were all gone–at youth activities and dance–except that my oldest was home sick and wanted to watch “Woman in Gold” with me, and my chances for time to chill with her are not so frequent as they used to be. She’s going to be doing a persuasive writing project in English this semester and decided to do it on some aspect of art restitution, which is why we also watched an incredible documentary called “The Rape of Europa” together last week. (Or maybe the week before?) Both documentary and movie were excellent, and the movie celebrated the outcome of one dispute covered in the documentary, so I’m glad we did the documentary first. I’m not so passionate about the visual arts as my daughter is–literature (and, to a lesser extent, music) is what makes my heart sing–but I’m not wholly without appreciation for them all the same, and I’ve done quite a bit of reading about the Holocaust. I HIGHLY recommend both viewing experiences. (I did cry at the end of “Woman in Gold,” but is anyone really surprised?)
Anyway. I haven’t so much managed to read lately, but hopefully that will come. In the meantime, I at least managed this post–one day late–and I already have my boxes of glass recycling in the car, so I’m going on a trek today. (Construction appears to have resulted in the disappearance of my usual glass recycling drop-off bin, and I’m a little grumpy about it.) Here’s hoping for a productive Thursday!