How Do I Love Gary D. Schmidt? Let Me Count the Ways…
Seriously–I love that man’s books SO MUCH. I listened to Pay Attention, Carter Jones over the weekend, and I don’t know how he does it, but WOW. The first night I listened to it on my outside walk, I was (quite literally) laughing out loud (and probably looking a little nuts in the process). The SECOND night, I was trying not to cry, since crying while exercising is problematic. But that’s how it always is with him, right? You laugh and you cry–I mean, really laugh and really cry–and by the end of the book you want to hug it. (The book, I mean.) This particular book is about middle schooler Carter Jones and his family, who live in New York state and discover (on the first day of school) that–upon their grandfather’s passing–they have acquired a butler (although he prefers to be called a gentleman’s gentleman). Since Carter’s father is deployed and his family struggling, a thoroughly English butler with quite particular ways of doing things happens to be precisely what is needed.
You can read the rest. I couldn’t possibly do it justice, and anyway, I wouldn’t want to spoil it for you. For devotees of Schmidt, though, watch for a small nod to characters from Okay for Now. For newcomers–you’re in for an incredible treat.