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May 9, 2019 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on If You’re Wondering Why I’ve Been Slipping Into A Drawl…

If You’re Wondering Why I’ve Been Slipping Into A Drawl…

When my oldest finally got around to reading Sheila Turnage’s Three Times Lucky–possibly more than two years after receiving it as a gift, mind you–she liked it enough to ask for the sequel.  (Imagine that!  Maybe that’s–just possibly–why I gave it to her in the first place?)  The Ghosts of Tupelo Landing has been sitting on my shelf ever since; thankfully, I finally realized that both books are available on audio from my library.  In the last week or so I’ve listened to both of them–I didn’t remember Lucky well enough to jump into the sequel without a review–and I tell you what, Turnage does not disappoint.  An antique inn with a bona fide ghost; a crotchety moonshiner and his elusive still; friendship, both vintage and recent; old money, new money, and everything in between; and through it all, Turnage’s lovely southern voice, her sharp insights into all sorts of relationships, and her delightful sense of humor.  If you haven’t met Mo, Dale, and Tupelo Landing, grab Three Times Lucky without delay.  If you didn’t realize it had sequels–you’re welcome!

Either way, happy reading.

May 7, 2019 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on “I Have Read This Book”

“I Have Read This Book”

I read Margi Preus’ Heart of a Samurai shortly after it was named a Newbery Honor book and found it captivating; when I read the description of West of the Moon, her 2014 novel, I was pretty much instantly sold.  Historical fiction inspired by an entry in the author’s great-great-grandmother’s diary?  Historical fiction blended with fairy tale?  Historical fiction about immigrating to America in the 19th century?  Sign me up!

Here’s the thing, though.  West of the Moon is most certainly captivating; there’s no denying that.  It’s also, however, more than just a little macabre.  The fate of the goatman, the truth about Spinning Girl, Astri’s dream (or was it a dream?!), Mor Kloster–this is a book that kept me reading, but also one that messed with my head.  (I was on the phone with my friend Andrea while I was reading it and I was talking about a bad dream I’d had; I started to read her the description of the book as a way to explain the probable inspiration of the dream and she interrupted me after the first sentence.  “I have READ this book!  And I had nightmares for days while I was reading it!”)  Realistically, old fairytales and folktales aren’t exactly made up of fluffy material, but the 19th century cultural traditions and common diseases referenced only added to the atmosphere.  This is a well-written, well-told story, and if you’re a fan of historical fiction and fairy tale re-tellings it’s most definitely worth your time, but–the dreams are a doozy, friends.  Be prepared.

May 3, 2019 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Those Avengers Text Threads, Though…

Those Avengers Text Threads, Though…

In our newlywed years my hubby and I went through a “Lois & Clark” phase; his sisters had taped most of the episodes off of TV (back when VHS was king, you understand, and DVDs were just beginning to creep onto the scene), and what they hadn’t gotten, he managed to find online (because he’s cool that way).  While looking for missing episodes online, he also found a “Lois & Clark” novel and ordered it; I read it with gusto, but that was my only foray into the world of superhero novelizations.

Until now.

Because, hey, SHANNON HALE, I had The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl:  Squirrel Meets World checked out of the library to preview for my girlies when I stumbled upon a beautifully pristine copy at the dollar store and snatched it up.  Back went the library copy and onto my ‘I’m getting there!’ shelf went my lucky find, and there it sat until Elizabeth, the person (presumably) in charge of my county library’s monthly Goodreads challenges, went for a superhero theme in April.  Perfect, I thought.  It’s even available in audio!  Without further ado, I jumped into the Marvel universe in a whole new way–and I loved it.  Doreen Green–aka Squirrel Girl–is positive and nice and perky in a completely non-annoying way (which is quite a feat, really).  Her squirrel friends crack me up–especially some of their names–and her newest human friend is nicely characterized, right down to the socks and the Thor obsession.  My favorite part of the entire book, however, was NOT the battles with the Micromanager (although they were certainly entertaining in their own right), but the encounters, via text and otherwise, with various Avengers.  I haven’t seen all that many of the movies, being a live-in-moderation fan rather than a die-hard one, but that didn’t really matter.  (Well, seeing Guardians of the Galaxy might have helped.  I’ll work on that.)  Some of the texts threads were so fabulous that I thrust them at my husband and close friends, insisting that they HAD to read them–and their reactions did not disappoint.  If you’re into Marvel, or superheroes, or girl power in a fun, actually non-objectifying way (believe it or not!), pick up Squirrel Meets World.  You won’t be disappointed either.

I promise.


May 1, 2019 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Conversations


4YO:  I YUV you, Momma!  You are my favorite person in the whole world that’s a girl!

Me:  Aww, thank you Sweetie!   Who’s your favorite person that’s a boy?

4YO:  Daddy!  You and Daddy are my favorite girl and boy when you do the thing I like!

Me:  What about when we tell you things you don’t want to hear?

4YO:   Then you’re the WORST.


12YO, as I came in the door:  Mom, 9YO is sobbing over her book!

Me, upon heading downstairs:  Oh, Sweetie, what’s wrong?

9YO, looking at me with red eyes and a tragic face:  I don’t WANT Pippi to sail away on a boat!!!

Apr 29, 2019 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Not Sure How I Missed It

Not Sure How I Missed It

Did you read Jean Webster’s Daddy-Long-Legs as a kid?  Because my mother did, and this is what baffles me.  I grew up reading all kinds of old classics from generations past–it was part of life at our house, I thought–and yet I didn’t realize that this existed until a few years ago.  It was published in 1912 (the year my father’s mother was born, I believe) and is still in print in more than one edition, which says a great deal about its lasting appeal.  Daddy-Long-Legs is a light, remarkably fast read, especially since the vast majority of it is made up of letters from the orphaned heroine to her mysterious benefactor, a unknown trustee at her orphanage who offered to pay her way through college.  The ending isn’t terribly difficult to see coming, but that didn’t lessen my enjoyment of it.  If you grew up loving books like An Old-Fashioned Girl, Freckles, and Anne of Green Gables, but somehow missed Webster’s book, this is a situation that should be rectified immediately.

I’m currently waiting for the sequel to come in at the library.

Apr 27, 2019 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Busy Day

Busy Day

Today was my niece’s baby shower and my amazing mother’s birthday–and I am tired.

Apr 25, 2019 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Worth the Aggravating Parts

Worth the Aggravating Parts

My friend Andrea picked A Dash of Trouble (Love Sugar Magic #1) for book club many moons ago, I’m sure; it’s no secret that I’m behind on my books!  My awesome hubby found it for me on audio, however, and I found listening to it to be a genuine pleasure.  Leonora’s family and friends were a delight, as was the glimpse into Latin-American culture; Leo herself was actually my biggest problem.  I had no issue with her frustration over being kept in the dark about her bruja heritage, because that would have driven me crazy as well.  (#youngestchildproblems)  Her single-minded obsession with experimenting with and performing magic herself, however, regardless of a)what her sisters told her, b)what she promised to the various people she involved, and c)what happened to the innocent people around her made me want to scream.  It takes WAY too long, in my opinion, for her to wake up and realize that all of the sneaking and lying and messing recklessly with powers she’s been warned about has hurt other people, and even then her remorse is partly forced on her.  (Who wreaks havoc on other people’s lives and then refuses to ask the logical person for help because her biggest fear is not that people might suffer endlessly for her actions, but that she won’t be allowed to experiment with magic anymore?  I know adolescents are self-absorbed, but seriously, come ON.)

Okay, rant over.  That is the kind of story line that bugs me more than most people, and the book was still completely enjoyable.  Anna Meriano is clearly an author with a sense of humor, and that aspect of the story was delightful; the denouement was also (mostly) worth the aggravation.  (Everything comes out right in the end, in case you were wondering.  That doesn’t feel like a spoiler, because it’s that kind of book.)  I’m planning on giving it to my two older girls to read; I’m also, however, planning on reading the sequel when they get to it.  If a school-ish story mixed up with Latin culture, a touch of magic, and a family focus appeals, you won’t want to miss this one.

Apr 23, 2019 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Too Dark For Me

Too Dark For Me

I won a signed copy of Nova Ren Suma’s The Walls Around Us in February of 2016–right around the time my barely-one-year-old was being evaluated for tubes.  (She hadn’t slept through the night in 6 months.)  I was perpetually exhausted at that point in my life; I’m still trying to catch up on the books I received then.  To that end I started The Walls Around Us a few weeks ago and quickly discovered two things:

  1.  It’s beautifully, hauntingly, incredibly written.
  2.  It’s also WAY darker than my usual fare.

That combination generally messes with my head a bit, you know?  Something that well written ends up insinuating itself into my awareness to a degree that the darkness is more than I prefer to live with; I therefore handed it over to my friend Britt, who reads darker fare more quickly than I do.  For your reading pleasure, here is her guest review!

4 stars

R- 2-3 (Enough risqueity I wouldn’t give it to my 14-year-old)
Sigh.  So this is one of those that I haven’t the foggiest idea how to review…
Alyson got it for review, but after getting 40 or some-odd pages into it was decidedly not feeling it.  Since it seemed more my thing than hers, I took it on.
And it was, in fact, more my thing.  I enjoyed it.  I almost gave it 5 stars.
But dang it’s weird.
From GoodReads:

On the outside, there’s Violet, an eighteen-year-old dancer days away from the life of her dreams when something threatens to expose the shocking truth of her achievement.

On the inside, within the walls of the Aurora Hills juvenile detention center, there’s Amber, locked up for so long she can’t imagine freedom.

Tying their two worlds together is Orianna, who holds the key to unlocking all the girls’ darkest mysteries…

What really happened on the night Orianna stepped between Violet and her tormentors? What really happened on two strange nights at Aurora Hills? Will Amber and Violet and Orianna ever get the justice they deserve—in this life or in another one?

In prose that sings from line to line, Nova Ren Suma tells a supernatural tale of guilt and of innocence, and of what happens when one is mistaken for the other.

I like the first 2 paragraphs and the last, but the middle bit there feels a little misleading.
I’m not sure what I’d say instead, but that doesn’t feel quite right.
It’s dark.  That’s for sure.  If, like Alyson, you find it creepy in the first 40 or so pages, do yourself a favor and just stop because it ain’t gonna get better.
It is also a somewhat-harder-to-follow alternating-point-of-view, so if that bothers you, probably don’t try this one.  (I like it, but the harder-to-follow and somewhat meandering is where it lost a star.)
If dark and confusing and weird and paranormal are your thing, then you should most definitely pick this one up.
Apr 21, 2019 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Easter Weekend

Easter Weekend

I’m sure my millions of devoted followers noticed that I missed my post on Friday; some of you may have deduced holiday preparations as the most likely cause.  (We did, indeed, dye eggs on Friday afternoon, and the evening just felt busier from there.)  I almost skipped tonight as well–it’s been a full weekend with family, normal Easter happenings, and our oldest niece on my husband’s side going through the temple in preparation for her full-time mission to Arizona.  I didn’t, however, because I wanted to set down in print (so to speak) my small success for this year and my goal for the next.

This year, in our church, we’re studying the New Testament.  Our study manual/guide/whatever-you-want-to-call-it suggested that one way to focus on the Savior during the Easter season would be to read, daily, about the last week before His crucifixion and subsequent resurrection.  I managed to keep up with that, although not without room for personal improvement, and it made a definite difference in my focus.  Next year, I would like to expand that focus to include my children to a realistic degree (my youngest will still only be 5).  That’s what our time on earth is about, right?  Improvement?

Wish me luck, folks–and Happy Easter!  The tomb is empty, and He is risen.  Nothing that has ever been or will ever be matters more than that.
