May 6, 2015 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Checking 2015 Off The List

Checking 2015 Off The List

Yes indeedy, folks, I have FINISHED this year’s Newberys!  (Not that it’s been hard; remember, this was the year of two verse novels and a graphic novel.  I think I’ve mentioned my ambivalence about that.)  Jacqueline Woodson’s Brown Girl Dreaming took forever to come in at the library–it won more than one award this year–but come in it did, and I finished it on Sunday.

And what did you think?, you ask.


Woodson certainly writes beautifully enough to pull off this kind of a verse novel–make no mistake about that.  She captures certain moments of her life in vivid perfection.  The longing of a girl that left behind family in both Ohio and South Carolina to end up in Brooklyn was poignantly illustrated, even as those illustrations showed us the ultimate adaptability of childhood.  I fully enjoyed the book, in fact; I do, however, wonder if it would be better termed an autobiography, rather than an autobiographical novel.  Memoirs allow for a bit less cohesiveness, and while Brown Girl Dreaming did have a message, it also had a more meandering plot.  (I possibly felt that the end was a bit more meandering than the rest of it, but that was an impression; I’m not sure I can back it up with specifics.)

Incidentally, I read an article that questioned the necessity of ‘Brown’ in the title; the author wondered if its presence would prevent it from reaching the full audience it deserves.  I’m not sure I agree with that concern; I may not be a brown girl (meaning I’m awfully white for even a white girl–it goes with the hair), but the title didn’t particularly affect how I felt about it going in.  I might agree, however, that ‘brown’ is unnecessary.  I’m honestly not sure.

Ultimately, Brown Girl Dreaming is well-written, and there were things I really enjoyed about it; I’m certainly glad I read it.  On the other hand, I wonder if it might not be too autobiography-ish for its intended audience.  Her girlhood was heavily influenced by the politics of the time–will girls nowadays care enough?  Time will tell, I suppose.  I’m not sure I loved the complete package of the novel enough to tell the world they all have to read this book, but for those who enjoy memoirs, verse novels, or history, it’s well worth your time.

May 4, 2015 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Good Friends

Good Friends

You know what good friends do?

Good friends come when you’re sick, even when there’s a possibility their family’s recent virus might have been different than yours, leaving them (and their kids!) at risk of getting the evilness that hit you like a ton of bricks.

Good friends organize May the 4th parties with activities for their kids AND yours, AND they make sure you have pictures of them to blog about even if it turns out you’re just too dang tired to ask your husband how to post them.  (And make no mistake, he’s the technology behind this blog.)

And good friends show up at your door with ice cream after you cried on the phone to them during a difficult day with your overtired 8-year-old. And Snickers bites.  And Grape Vines.  (She despises grape flavoring.  She also brought ice cream for my hubby.)

Good friends are one of the greatest blessings in this life.  Make sure all of yours know how awesome they are.

May 2, 2015 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Date Night

Date Night

My parents are in town for a couple of days on their way to my sister’s house in Colorado, and by a happy coincidence, my hubby got one of his occasional free-new-movie-and-treat deals from work for last night.  When you have a newborn, you really don’t get out much, which is why, even sick, I was completely thrilled at the opportunity.  Of course, there was this conversation:

Hubby:  It’s the Avengers.

Me:  Okay.

Hubby:  Have you seen the other Avengers movie?

Me:  No.

Hubby:  Have you seen Thor?

Me:  No.

Hubby:  Thor 2?

Me:  No.

Hubby:  Captain America 1 or 2?

Me:  No.

Hubby:  ANY of the other movies?

Me:  No.

Hubby:  Hmm.  Okay….

(In my defense, this shouldn’t have come as a surprise to him; he sees movies without me all the time while he’s working on stuff downstairs, but I almost never see movies without him.)

Happily, however, it didn’t seem to be a big deal that I hadn’t seen the other movies.  I did have to lean over and ask, “Who’s THAT?” a few times–Hawkeye is a character on M*A*S*H as far as I’m concerned, and a black widow is a spider–but I used to watch “The Incredible Hulk” with my brother when I was VERY young, and I remember the taglines for the Captain America movies.  (I’ve also seen “Adventures in Babysitting,” giving me a nodding acquaintance with Thor.)  Either way, it wasn’t hard to pick up on the plot, and it was fun to see the oddly assorted group of heroes saving the world.  Some of the crashing got a bit dicey with the sinus headache I was flirting with, but at least the noise hid my occasional coughing fits.  It was, overall, a fun movie–and it was sheer bliss to be out with my husband for once.  Wahoo!

Apr 30, 2015 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Of Sickness and Song

Of Sickness and Song

I sometimes manage to elude the bugs that cycle through my kiddos; not this time.  This one has a throat-tearing cough plus a couple of days’ worth of fever, which doesn’t often happen at my house.  My hubby has been helping out, and my girlies both prayed for me last night (which made me feel loved while simultaneously making me wonder if me whispering constantly is freaking them out).  What always kills me about being sick is how much I miss things that I take completely for granted most of the time.  Oh, to breathe through my nose and swallow without discomfort! What really kills me, though, is not being able to sing to my kiddos at night.  I don’t have a great voice, but I do like to sing them a song at bedtime.   The last two nights Middle #1 has sung to me instead.  Which is sweet, mind you.  I just wish I could return the favor.

(By the way, on the topic of singing…ever since I had children, whenever I see even a clip of “The Sound of Music” I find myself wondering how it would be to sing to my kids and sound like THAT.  Because it doesn’t get much better than Julie Andrews, friends.  It just doesn’t.)


Apr 28, 2015 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Of Squandering Bacon

Of Squandering Bacon

I went through my old haven’t-tried-yet recipe cards from my Taste of Home magazines after the baby was born and pulled out a small stack that I felt I could realistically make with an infant around.  They had to be relatively easy, of course, and not require a lot of work right before dinner; one of those recipes was this Bacon-Colby Lasagna, which called for relatively few ingredients and could easily be made ahead of time.  I tried it on dance night last week, which meant that my oldest didn’t try it, but the boy was a fan.  Middle number one was deep in the sleepy throes of a virus and had zero appetite, so it’s hard to say what she thought of it; my hubby liked everything but the actual lasagna noodles (“I don’t love big noodles”), and I thought it was pretty good.  I did throw some Worcestershire sauce into the sauce for added flavor, and I cut the bacon to 3/4 of a pound (I just couldn’t bring myself to use an entire package for the one pan-full I was making).

Here’s the thing, though.  If there’s meat, cheese, and a tomato-y sauce, it’s hard not to like something as far as I’m concerned; that said, my husband summed up my feelings perfectly when I told him what was in it.  “I’m not sure that’s the best use for bacon…”

I couldn’t agree more.  Sure, the taste was pleasing.  You couldn’t necessarily taste the bacon as bacon, though; instead, it just added a smokey, savory element to the sauce.  It likely made the lasagna more filling as well–meat does–but I ended up feeling that it was a lazy choice.  Why not season the sauce for the smokey/savory effect?  (Do you know how much bacon is per pound?!)  It would be MUCH more economical (not to mention ultimately more successful).  I have better things to do with 3/4 of a pound of bacon then mix it with a pound of ground beef in a tomato sauce, and Mel’s Cowboy Spaghetti sauce has better flavor.  I did like it, and it made enough that I froze a second meal’s worth, but I probably wouldn’t bother making it again.

Apr 26, 2015 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Unexpectedly Funny

Unexpectedly Funny

I’m still scarred enough from a month’s worth of Dracula that even after reading Hidden, I picked another short book for my fourth book this time around.  Ellen Conford’s Dreams of Victory is 102 pages long, at least in the Apple Paperback version (which totally took me back to childhood, by the way).  I went into it figuring it’d be an okay read and I’d probably get rid of it when I was done.

I did not expect it to be quite so funny.

By the time I was halfway through, I’d resigned myself to keeping it around; I laughed out loud (literally!) multiple times.  Victory is a likable 11-year-old with a penchant for really big daydreams, living a fairly normal life in what was then the present (it was written in 1973).  I knew I’d lost the battle over whether it will continue to take up space on my shelves around the time of her school play.  Victory is cast as ‘Litter,’ to be swept off of the stage at the end, but what really got me was the overall performance:

Smog forgot almost all of his lines and most of the time just stood there and looked dirty.  He had a very strange costume made of some                  filmy gray kind of material, and half the kids thought he was Tinkerbelle.

I was entertained.

Which is why I find myself unable to get rid of this short, kid-friendly tale of a girl who spends the whole book imagining she is good at other things before realizing what her true talents are.  It’s out of print, which isn’t surprising, but it’s available used on Amazon for a song (sadly, it doesn’t appear to be in the Salt Lake County Library system).  I think it’s more than worth it.

Apr 24, 2015 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Baby, I’m Back!

Baby, I’m Back!

As much as I kind of enjoyed reading Dracula, it was ridiculously discouraging for me to spend a month on one book; it doesn’t happen super often.  (Of course, I generally average shorter books than Dracula.  And, to be fair, I’ve had several non-fiction books that have taken me months.  I wasn’t reading them exclusively at the time, though.)  Which is why, after I finished it, I grabbed the shortest library book I had, for the sheer pleasure of finishing something else in the same night.   It was a beautiful thing!  I love reading books, but–because of my out of control library habit–I also love finishing books and returning them to the library.  And there really was a feeling of–I’m back!  I can do this!  I can finish books again!

Okay, yeah, I get that not everyone is going to share my enthusiasm.  And that’s okay.  Some people run marathons, which I cannot share any enthusiasm for.  We all have our things.

Whether or not we’re into the same things, however, doesn’t change the fact that Hidden:  A Child’s Story of the Holocaust is well worth your time.  As mixed as my feelings may be about it, graphic novels are here to stay, and they can attract kids that other formats might not.  Hidden is a graphic novel about a grandmother sharing her Holocaust experiences with her granddaughter; the details of the art aren’t my favorite thing about the book, but it’s a skillfully told story nonetheless.  It walks the line between telling the truth and not overwhelming its young target audience rather well (and that’s not a line that’s easy to find).  I tend to avoid Holocaust fiction–there are too many good memoirs out there, waiting to be read–but I made an exception for this one.

I’m glad I did.


Apr 22, 2015 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on I Have Finished the Book!

I Have Finished the Book!

I hope you’re all hearing Verdi’s ‘Grand March’ from “Aida” in your head right now, because I HAVE FINISHED DRACULA!  I really should have picked a different stage of life to read it in, of course, but oh, well–let’s just all acknowledge that any book suffers from being read in 20 page increments and move on to the next portion of my review, shall we?

Here’s the thing.  I’m not into horror.  Even classic horror.  So I can’t wholeheartedly recommend Dracula to all and sundry, because it’s not a book I would have picked up on my own.  On the other hand, if you’re the sort of person who is interested in reading Bram Stoker’s Dracula, I would probably tell you to go on ahead–I think you’ll find it worth your time.  The sexism of the time did irritate me occasionally, but you take what you get with a novel written in 1884; it did rely on the occasional colossally stupid decision, but that’s horror for you.  (It did not draw out those decisions until you wanted to hit something, which I appreciated.)  The beginning was creepier than I expected, but the level of creepiness shifted with the story.  It was more gruesome than I expected, actually.  We live in a society where vampires are romanticized, so it was a surprise to me to find that Bram Stoker’s novel doesn’t romanticize Count Dracula at all.  He’s not appealing, folks.  This surprised me.

I was rather annoyed at Lucy’s character, I confess–the saintly girl who is universally and ridiculously adored by EVERYONE–but there is a more accessible female character, at least.  (Only a man could have written Lucy.  Call me sexist if you will.)  Van Helsing’s odd English was sort of entertaining, while the American character was obviously written by a Briton (slang and stereotypes).  And Renfield was a bit mystifying; one wonders if he only really existed to serve the one purpose, and then Stoker tried to flesh him out so he wouldn’t be so obviously a plot tool?

Anyway.  It read quickly, even when it didn’t actually move quickly.  Once again, this sort of book is not my cup of tea, but if you are interested, I’d say–go for it.

(And I’m sorry for the disjointed review, friends.  Again with the month-long reading process, and the tired from the 2-month-old.  It is what it is.)

Apr 20, 2015 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Cornbread


I believe I’ve mentioned that my hubby isn’t big into breakfast breads, or at least the sweet ones (he does love biscuits and bacon gravy).  The one exception here is cornbread.  True, I grew up having maple syrup on mine, and he grew up with honey, but everyone in the house likes cornbread (even if I DON’T like the crumbs that end up all over the floor every time we eat it).  I’ve been making the recipe in my Betty Crocker cookbook for years, but every once in a while I branch out and try something different–just to see what’s out there.  Last Friday I tried this recipe for The Best Cornbread–no expectations there, right?–and I’m not sure how I feel about it.

To begin with, the recipe calls for you to mix the cornmeal with buttermilk and let it rest at room temperature for half an hour; this wouldn’t have been a big deal, particularly, except that I didn’t see that beforehand.  That, coupled with the unfortunate frozen state of my buttermilk (the back of my fridge gets fairly cold), meant that we ate a bit later than I’d intended; it also meant that I didn’t feel like taking the time to let it cool, even though it specifically said to.  Sadly, it would have been better if I’d taken the time anyway; I wasn’t super impressed with it hot out of the oven. When I tried a piece the next morning I was amazed at how much better I found the flavor to be (not to mention the fact that what was gummy when hot was rather nicely moist the following day).

I’m not sure I want to replace my usual recipe with this one, though, even if I’m not likely to make egregious logistical errors again.  I rather like the coarse quality of cornbread, which this one lacked; I also like the butter/sugar flavor profile.  When you throw honey and applesauce into the mix it changes the flavor, and while it isn’t bad that way, I’m not sure it’s my preference.  This one was also flatter, which made slicing it in half to put butter and honey or syrup on top was a bit harder.  Bottom line?  This one is probably worth trying if you like cornbread, since my issues were all definitively preference issues, but make sure you plan for the resting and cooling times.

And don’t store buttermilk in the very back of your fridge.

Apr 18, 2015 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Of Pasta Pictures and Dinner Ideas

Of Pasta Pictures and Dinner Ideas

Once upon a time, when I had fewer and calmer children (as in, before the boy), I was better at trying to do crafty things with the kiddos.  Not good, mind you; as awesome as my mother and sister are at crafting, that’s not so much my thing (I’m better with reading to and baking with them, although they’re good at that as well).  I was better, though, and we went through a phase where we made pasta pictures with various pasta shapes.  (You know–you put glue on the paper, and the child arranges the pasta on top of the glue?  With the option–sometimes–of painting said pasta when the glue is dry?)  We even kept them for quite a long time, before bowing to reality, taking digital pictures of them to preserve for posterity, and throwing them away.

Anyway.  This is relevant because, when I was looking for easy dinner ideas and my sister suggested Mel’s Skillet Taco Pasta Shells, I knew I’d have to use a different kind of pasta.  (All of the non-jumbo shells in my house got crafted with, so to speak–although to be fair, I don’t know that I ever had medium.)  That’s not exactly a major change,  however, and neither were any of my other ones:  I subbed black beans for the pintos (personal preference), was a bit generous with the salsa verde (my sister’s recommendation), and added some extra water (because it really needed more liquid).  Other than that, I followed the recipe (unless you count being generous with the cheese, but really, who counts that?  In my world view, being generous with the cheese equates to driving 5 over the speed limit).  And I enjoyed it.

I’m not necessarily saying it was earth-shattering, you understand.  It made, however, an enjoyable and (blessedly!) quick-and-easy meal on a school night, and that’s no small thing.  Middle 1 didn’t love it, but she’s never loved Mexican food; Middle 2 (formerly known as the boy) ate some of it himself, which means he certainly liked it some, and the oldest was okay with it (skillet meals are not necessarily one of her very favorite things).  If it were a pain to make, I wouldn’t bother–it’s not memorable enough–but as it is, it’s going in my arsenal of “I need something quick and easy to make for dinner tonight!”

Which is what every day feels like at the moment.  Ah, life with a two-month-old!