Nov 19, 2020 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on One More Try

One More Try

I have to say, I wasn’t exactly dying to read Wolfie & Fly: Band on the Run, because I didn’t actually love its predecessor. Unfortunately for me, the sequel ran along similar lines. Wolfie’s parents try and get her to go somewhere with them (in this case, to support a family member), she refuses, they give in and leave her alone, and Fly comes over and gets her to do something more imaginative than she wants to do. Make-believe crosses over into reality for a while, and when her parents return at the end, it’s unclear how far it crossed and exactly when it crossed back. (Sorry–that sentence got awkward, and I’m too tired and lingeringly sick to figure out how to fix it.*)

Yup, that pretty much describes both books.

Here’s the thing. Number one, my 5-year-old wanted to hear the sequel, and it’s not like it’s a long read-aloud. Number two–it would actually be a fun book if it weren’t for Wolfie herself. Fly is a totally fun character, clueless-yet-not, and if Wolfie were a bit more likable, I probably would have enjoyed both books. As it is, she ignores her parents, who just give in and leave, and she’s rude to Fly in a way that transcends bluntness or social ineptitude. Perhaps her behavior suggests her to be on the spectrum, but that’s never addressed–and so, for me, she remains simply unlikable.

As for “one more try”–several of Cary Fagan’s other books (as listed on Goodreads) sound irritatingly interesting, and so I’m going to try one of them before I bail on him altogether. Perhaps, without Wolfie, I’ll find it to be simply enjoyable.

*Also, why this program just accepted “lingeringly” as a word when it cries for spell check for far more common linguistic specimens, I have NO CLUE.

Nov 17, 2020 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Collaboration


I grabbed Catherine’s War off of the shelf while browsing the JGN (presumably Junior Graphic Novel?) section at the library; my older girls love graphic novels and I love history, so it seemed like a perfect fit. (I didn’t realize at the time that it started out as a novel–in French–before the author was approached about adapting it into a graphic novel. I looked to see if our library had the original, but no such luck. I don’t even know for sure if it’s translated into English or not.) I finished it last night and did enjoy it, although it felt–brief. The main character moves around from one refuge to another to escape detection by the Nazis, and each new place seems so very temporary. (Which, of course, it was.) It’s actually (loosely) based on the author’s mother’s wartime experiences as a hidden child during World War II, which made it more interesting for me. I learned a few things about occupied France and its zones that I hadn’t known, and I found the photography angle interesting. It’s a quick read, thereby creating less of the mood of fear and waiting and danger that I associate with Jewish WWII narratives, but that very fact might make it a good bridge to some of the meatier options out there.

Wow, this review feels choppy. I’m blaming it on my still being sick.

Anyway. This is a worthwhile (if easier) read, and I’m looking forward to passing it on to my girlies. Let me know what you think!

Nov 15, 2020 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Family Sharing

Family Sharing

I’m usually all for sharing, mind you, but this cold we all have…I could have done without that. (And I got it a day later than everyone else, so I was thinking there was a teensy possibility that I might.) I’m blaming Friday’s missed post on it, since that’s when my throat started to signal to me that I hadn’t dodged the bullet, but it works out, because I just finished When Stars Are Scattered today. (If you’re not familiar, it’s the graphic biography by Victoria Jamieson (Roller Girl, All’s Faire in Middle School) and Omar Mohamed, whose story it is.) I remember Somalia being in the news in the early 90s, but I was at an age where I just thought news was boring. Omar’s story, on the other hand, is riveting, even while the pacing reflects the reality of life in a refugee camp (“Life is always the same in a refugee camp…except when it’s not“). This is a book that will make readers think about their lives in new ways; it’s an honest book, relating Omar’s struggles with despair as well as the faith that ultimately sustains him, as well as a powerful one. I’m expecting both of my older girls to be grabbing for it, since they loved Jamieson’s other books and are graphic novel fans in general, but after reading it, I think I’d give it to them even if that weren’t the case. Some books ought to be read–and this, I think, is one of them.

Nov 11, 2020 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Serendipity


It’s hard to imagine a better book to review on Veterans Day–nee Armistice Day–than Gordon Korman’s War Stories. In my experience, Korman has a tendency to be a bit larger-than-life; the books of his that I’ve read are frequently wildly improbable but satisfying. This newest offering, however, is understated (for Korman). The stories of Trevor in 2020 and his great grandfather in 1944 make for a fascinating look at D-Day and the Normandy invasion, and I learned all sorts of things I didn’t know. Korman’s message about war, about World War II, and about the soldiers who fought in it was a powerful one, and I choked up at the image of the few old soldiers left alive to commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day. This is an excellent book for middle grade readers–especially boys.*

*The obvious flaw, of course, is that it came out this summer and takes place in 2020 but treats 2020 as if it were no different than 2019. I assume it was completed and in the midst of the publishing process before things went completely nuts, but there’s a dark sort of humor in reading about people flying to Europe and traveling to at least two countries in the latter half of the spring of 2020. Not so much…but on the other hand, subsequent editions can’t just change the year, because 2020 IS the 75th anniversary of VE Day. Unfortunate, right? Still–eh. I can live with it, partly because it’s just incredibly bad luck on Korman’s part, and partly because it would be nice to live in a world where 2020 wasn’t much different than 2019. Am I right?

Nov 9, 2020 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Basketball


On November 1st my Uncle Brent left his wasted body on this earth and graduated to the next stop on his journey to immortality. He was a smiling, loving, and truly kind man who embraced my widowed aunt’s family as his own; he also, it seems, was on a basketball team dubbed the “Mormon Yankees” during his mission to Australia in the 1950s. (They played the Australian Olympic Basketball Team–and won.) Today was his funeral, and it seems like the perfect day to review Scott Ellsworth’s The Secret Game: A Wartime Story of Courage, Change, and Basketball’s Lost Triumph.

Of course, if you know me you know that what I know about basketball might most charitably be characterized as “more than I know about football” and “far more than I know about soccer.” Ellworth’s book, however, tells a story that I doubt many fans know. It is at once the story of a single game between two incredible but largely forgotten teams and the story of the early years of what was then frequently segregated basketball. (Learning that North Carolina teams and schools were rigidly segregated in the 1940s did not surprise me. Learning that Kansas and Indiana teams and schools were often segregated as well, did.) It was the kind of book that had me “did you know-“ing to friends, family, and the young women I worth with at church; it was also the kind of book that had me thinking about racial injustice in this country and how we can build bridges of understanding in what ought to be our continual quest to eradicate it.

It’s the kind of book that would be helpful for more people to read right now.

(It’s also the kind of book that notes Uruguay’s attempt to disqualify players over 5’8″ in the first Olympics in which basketball was an official sport. You’ve got to admire the chutzpah.)

This is a book worth reading, friends–whoever you are. The story of North Carolina College for Negroes’ basketball team and the team from Duke Medical school (NOT Duke’s actual basketball team–the med students beat them) playing behind locked doors for safety a decade before the Civil Rights Movement got firmly off the ground is both a dramatic and an important one, one that ought to be known. If you’ve got $20 to spare, buy it. (Unless you’re my adult nephew in Florida, who really shouldn’t be buying such things less than two months before Christmas.) If not, look for it at your local library. Either way–enjoy.*

*If you enjoyed The Boys in the Boat, you should definitely not miss this. It’s even the same Olympics!

Nov 7, 2020 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on This Should Go Over VERY Well

This Should Go Over VERY Well

Have I mentioned that my second girlie has been asking for books similar to Rob Buyea’s Mr. Terupt series? Because we seriously just hit the jackpot. If you took Because of Mr. Terupt, added in just a tad of Gordon Korman’s The Unteachables, and finished it off with bits of Andrew Clements’ The Landry News and The Last Holiday Concert–oh, and added a graphic element plus one actual amphibian–you’d get Sarah Scheerger’s Operation Frog Effect, which is one of our school district’s “Best Books” for 3rd-4th graders this year. I actually thought Kayley’s character was more realistic than her sort-of-counterpart in Because of Mr. Terupt, and I enjoyed the rest of the characters; I rather think my 6th grader is going to LOVE this. It’s told from 8 different viewpoints–9, if you count the teacher–and is a feel-good teacher sort of book, which always gets me. Fans of the other titles listed above should definitely check this out!

Nov 5, 2020 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Thoughts


Yesterday I commented on the Facebook message of a former coworker, an educated individual with whom I’d assumed I had a cordial relationship. This person had shared a friend’s post–a short essay, more or less, blasting Trump–and then endorsed the sentiments in it, adding that “if you voted for Trump, you should be ashamed of yourself.” This was followed up with the bald statement that “we are not friends.” I was troubled that a post specifically decrying Trump’s unwillingness to heal division in this country was accompanied by a message that seemed unavoidably divisive to me and commented to that effect. This individual disagreed, stating that it was a matter of standing up for beliefs. We traded comments once or twice more, over perhaps a two hour period at most (I was also making dinner), until I could suddenly no longer find the thread. Shortly thereafter, a search on Facebook no longer yielded the name of the individual in question; my assumption is that I have been blocked.

Here, friends, are MY beliefs. I don’t believe any good will come of demonizing those who choose differently than we do. I DO believe that there are valid reasons to vote for either of the candidates in this election of misery, and many of them are not hateful and represent valid concerns for the future direction of our country. (For the record, I also believe that MORE valid reasons exist NOT to vote for either candidate. I have yet to find ANYONE who isn’t at least somewhat appalled that this year’s choices are supposedly the best we can do.) I cannot imagine the Savior telling ANYONE that “we are not friends” (although I can easily imagine Him weeping at much of what is being said right now, on BOTH sides). I will accept the winner of this election because I live in a democratic republic and I voted knowing that if you ARE the minority, you’re often stuck with other people’s choices of pizza toppings on a group date. I will pray for the winner of this election because my church leaders have asked me to pray for greater civility, understanding, and wisdom for my country’s leaders, and I believe that to be sound and inspired direction. I will be friends with any individual in my life who is a friend to me. I believe that ultimately, people are more alike than they are different, and if we can find common ground, we can find a way forward. I believe that this can be hard–very, very hard at times–but that it is every bit as important as it is hard, and I believe that it can be done. I also believe that if we are going to make it happen, it must start individually, with each one of us.

I wish I had been able to express my beliefs fully to that individual. I sincerely hope that those still in my life do not find these beliefs to be blockworthy.

I hope and pray that our country can find its way to a better place–and I believe that it’s up to each of us to get there. May God bless us all.

Nov 3, 2020 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Dichotomy


My hubby and I filled out our ballots last night, folks, and I have never been so miserable during the process. (As my friend Andrea said, there was a lot of nose-holding as I voted.) On the other hand, I’m grateful to live in a country where I CAN vote, regularly and reliably, and I’m doubly grateful in this 100th year of women being able to participate as legal voters in this country. Still–it was miserable.

Fittingly, I also finished reading Bold & Brave: Ten Heroes Who Won Women the Right to Vote last night, and I enjoyed the body of the book. I learned things about women I was familiar with as well as learned about women that I wasn’t. My only complaint was the ending tie-in to the 2017 Women’s March; Women’s Suffrage was such a focused cause, even if the methods and participants were (sometimes defiantly) diverse, that comparing it to a demonstration without one specifically identifiable goal feels faulty. I did like the very end, where it talked about using your voice for what you believe in, and I rather wish that had been the immediate segue. Overall, however, there’s good information here, and I don’t think we spend enough time remembering and recognizing these particular heroes.

Good luck with your voting, friends, and let’s follow M. Russell Ballard’s counsel to pray for our country and our leaders, however and to whomever we choose. WHOEVER wins.

Oct 31, 2020 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Finally!!!


I’ve had Lucy Knisley’s Relish: My Life in the Kitchen checked out for a LONG time. I even started it a LONG time ago, but I got distracted and then other people had holds on it, and down it went on the “Currently Reading” list. I decided it was time to work on that “Currently Reading” list, however, and so–after re-starting it, since it had been so LONG–I made my way through and finished Relish this week. Here are my thoughts…

1. NOT a fan of the porn-magazines-in-Mexico section–adolescent boys learning to objectify women is never okay with me. (Porn is also completely contrary to my religious beliefs.) That said, it’s a memoir, and it happened.

2. I do enjoy the way Lucy Knisley writes about food.

3. I really wanted some sort of mention about WHY her parents broke up. I just wanted to KNOW.

4. I used to have a metabolism like that…before I hit 40. It was pretty great, I have to say.

5. Although it does come back to bite you in the form of unsustainable eating habits.

6. But I digress. The point is, I enjoyed it–and I want to make some of the recipes. (Others I’d prefer someone else to make for me, and a few involve ingredients I don’t eat/drink.)

7. I’m looking forward to her other memoirs for adults.

8. Definitely worthwhile for foodies!

In other news, after the warning bulletin about Covid numbers that came through on my phone yesterday, I think we’re going to buy each of our kiddos a candy or three of his/her choice and hunker down for games and a Halloween movie tonight. We’ll leave a bowl of candy on our front porch, but trick-or-treating doesn’t feel like the best idea this year. 2020…

Oct 29, 2020 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Restrained


That’s what my oldest daughter is, folks. Where her next youngest sister is loudly, persistently vocal when she’s waiting for me to pass on a book, my oldest is more patient. She is definitely NOT the squeaky wheel in the household, and that fact makes handing her something she’s been waiting for a true pleasure. Stars Above: A Lunar Chronicles Collection comes under that category, and I finished listening to it today (thanks in part to the cutting up of another pot of apples for more fruit leather base). A set of 9 short stories set in Cinder’s world, 8 of them involve main characters that we already know; the 9th is a retelling of Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Little Mermaid.” (NOT Disney’s retelling, by the way. Meyer’s version is a retelling of the original, which is a very important distinction.) Nothing earthshattering is revealed in these tales, but they do give us added perspective on many of Meyer’s characters, and they represent an enjoyable last hurrah for the series. Fans of Meyer’s Lunar world will definitely want to read this one.

In other news, to trick or treat or not to trick or treat? Because that is yet another one of 2020’s miserable, frustrating questions…
