Apr 17, 2017 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Feeling Guilty

Feeling Guilty

BOTH of my older girls have been enjoying Andrea Cheng’s Anna Wang novels, as have I; I reserve the right to read first what I want to read first, however, which means that for the last three months (I’m a terrible person!) they have been waiting on The Year of the Three Sisters because it’s been sitting in my bedroom, waiting for me to get to it.  (To be fair, they do have plenty of reading material available–including other series they are also reading–but still.)  The good news is that I finally did get to it! which means that after returning both copies (they’re due and not renewable on Wednesday), I can check them out again and send them directly down to the girlies’ bookcases.

The not-quite-as-good-news is that I didn’t love this one as much as I’ve loved the other books in the series; it seemed to cover a little bit too much ground too quickly.  It was still enjoyable, you understand, but the resolution of several of the problems seemed abrupt.  Three Sisters does best when covering the ups and downs of the exchange student experience, but I could have used more of that in addition to more about, say, Camille’s learning disability or Andee’s conflict with her mom.  I’d certainly still read this one, mind you–it has charm.  And I’m still excited about the upcoming book in the series, which appears to be a prequel to all of the others.  I just wanted a bit more from this one.


Apr 15, 2017 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

He is risen–and that makes all the difference for all of us.

Apr 13, 2017 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Where I Should Have Started

Where I Should Have Started

I didn’t realize that Middle School Is Worse Than Meatloaf:  A Year Told Through Stuff existed until I finished its sequel, which is less than ideal; I liked the sequel enough to put this one on hold at the library, however, and together they make a fabulous, quirky little series.  The stuff of which this book is made includes business cards, teachers’ notes, hospital charts, ticket stubs…I could go on, but you get the picture.  Thanks to Jennifer L. Holm’s serious storytelling chops, this totally works.  We get a nuanced picture of Ginny and her family that has more depth than many a traditional novel while appealing to different sorts of readers as well.  I’m not handing this to my 10-year-old because I think you need the experience of middle school–or at least pending middle school–for it to be as relatable, and she’s still a fourth grader.  (I did put it on hold for my middle-school-aged niece, though.)  All the same, I read more than one funny bit out loud to my sister over the phone, AND I was ultimately moved.  If you have a middle school girl in your life, this is worth your time.

Apr 11, 2017 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on What Are The Chances?

What Are The Chances?

My daughter’s 4th grade class did literature circles a month or two ago, and out of the five book choices, she picked the only one I hadn’t read.

Of course.

To be fair, she wasn’t allowed to pick one that she’d read, so Chasing Vermeer was out.  Still, she passed over Bridge to Terabithia, Rodzina, and Call It Courage in favor of Listening for Lions, and I hadn’t even heard of that one.  (I did recognize the author’s name–I’ve even read one or two of hers–but still.)  Naturally, she wanted me to read it with her, which might have happened if I hadn’t been in the middle of Echo at the time.  (She also wanted to read all of the ones she didn’t pick; she’s only got Terabithia to go.)  I did finally read it, though, and I have to say–the story grabs you and keeps you right from the start.  Rachel’s life in Africa and subsequent manipulation by the despicable Pritchards have you solidly rooting for her the whole way through, and while the plot transitions seem suspiciously convenient for the writer at times, the story works well enough.  Older elementary readers–girls especially–ought to love this one.  I quite enjoyed it myself, although I get the sense that Whelan’s storytelling outpaces her level of craftmanship as a writer.  I especially enjoyed the sense that she was influenced by both Heidi and The Secret Garden while telling Rachel’s story.  Bottom line?  If you’re looking for historical fiction with a strong female protagonist, this is a worthy choice.

Apr 9, 2017 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Something Blue

Something Blue

When it came to choose something blue, I found myself in the mood for something fun; I opted for Sarah Weeks’ Pie because it looked like it fit the bill.  And it did, really.  Sarah Weeks is perhaps not quite the writer I’d like her to be, but her storytelling makes up the difference.  There are laugh-out-loud moments in Pie as well as poignant ones.  (There are also recipes, some of which I’d quite like to try.)  I did have a hard time with Alice’s mother–she’s terribly unlikable for two-thirds of the book–but given the direction of the plot and the different ways in which we express grief, it all works out believably .  I almost died laughing at the Newbery Medal parody running through the book, and the scene with the principal was a beauty and a joy forever.  The ending wasn’t actually what I expected, though.  (Perhaps that was just me missing clues–you’ll have to tell me what YOU think!)  All in all, this is a fun middle grade novel which balances humor and sentiment in a bit of a madcap way.  Give it–and the pies–a try.

Apr 7, 2017 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on At Long Last…Something Borrowed

At Long Last…Something Borrowed

Okay, okay, I’m a week late coming back, but home improvements ALWAYS take longer than you hope they will, right?  And I did take the kiddos to Idaho for spring break.  Sadly, missing this past week in particular put me more behind than usual, because in addition to the books I’ve finished, I tried three new dessert recipes for my hubby’s birthday week–and then two beef recipes because rump roasts were on sale.  So many reviews to write!

To get started, then, for my ‘something borrowed’ I picked Start Where You Are:  A Journal for Self-Exploration; my friend Britt lent it to me a while back, telling me that it was unexpectedly neat and I should look at it.  At the time I remember thinking ‘really?  okay…’ because interactive journals aren’t so much my thing–or hers.  And while I certainly didn’t think she was lying, I couldn’t see myself being really into it.  (I only picked it when I did because it was SHORT and I was stressed about painting and whatnot.)

I weirdly was.  Into it, that is.  And unexpectedly neat about sums it up.  It has quotes upon quotes upon quotes from all sorts of people, but the–writing prompts?–are even more interesting.  Even thinking about answering some of the questions nudged my mind in some different directions.  And while I’m too busy with my littles to contemplate using such a thing as this book at the moment, I could see myself coming back to it in a few years.  In the meantime, this is worthwhile for everyone to whom it sounds the least bit interesting–and most other people as well.  Read it through–and think about it.

I’m glad I did.



Mar 23, 2017 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Texture, Texture, Everywhere…

Texture, Texture, Everywhere…

  1.  Removing wallpaper glued to textured wall can be a nightmare.
  2.  Cleaning a grimy textured ceiling preparatory to painting IS a nightmare.
  3.  I ache.
  4.  I will be on leave from this blog for the rest of March so that I can deal with all of the texture (and the paint).
  5.  I’d rather be blogging.
  6.  Wish me luck.
Mar 21, 2017 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Something New

Something New

I actually checked Randy Cecil’s Lucy out of the library because I thought it was intermediate fiction with a lot of illustrations (think Ollie’s Odyssey); I enjoyed it, but it’s really just a fat, fat picture book.  (It averages a sentence or two–literally–per page.)  The illustrations are all in shades of grey with a fuzzy sort of feeling, and both text and illustrations leave me wanting more–more detail, more description, more depth.  If it had LOOKED like a picture book I don’t think I would have minded, but when it looks like a duck but chirps like a robin, false expectations mess with your overall impression.  That said, it’s a sweet little story about a dog, a girl, and her dad, and Cecil does an excellent job creating a sense of people and place.  Young animal lovers will likely enjoy this one, and it may be a confidence builder for readers who want bigger books but struggle to get through them.  Its length, however, would make it an awkward read-aloud, at least for me.  If you or one of your kiddos reads it, let me know what you think!

Mar 19, 2017 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Something Old

Something Old

Weeks ago, my friend Britt (of Confessions of a Book Habitue, and please pretend there’s an accent on that last ‘e’) and I decided that–for kicks–we’d read something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue; I chose Parrot in the Oven: mi vida for my something old, because I’m pretty sure I bought it while I was still in college.  (I graduated from BYU in 2000–how is that 17 years ago?!)  Which means that I’ve moved it five times or so, possibly more.

It may be only a mass market edition, but still.

I will, however, NOT be moving it again.  I’m bailing on it.  In fact, if it had been longer, I’m not entirely sure I would have finished it.  I’m in a list-making mood, for some reason, so here is my review in pros and cons:


  1.  It was an interesting book–and it read quickly.
  2.  It didn’t have a terrible ending.
  3.  It will probably speak to Latino teens in less-than-ideal situations–at least to some degree.  Certainly it will appeal to teenage boys far more than it did to me.
  4.  It was basically well-written.  Some reviewers took exception to the episodic nature of the book, but it worked.


  1.  Martinez’s metaphors (isn’t that just fun to say?) get heavy handed.
  2.  At least half of the Spanish words and phrases that I googled were words I didn’t care to know (although I suppose that explains why they didn’t sound even remotely familiar in the first place).
  3. While I had compassion for a few of the characters, I didn’t find most of them to be particularly likable.
  4. The main character’s little sister exhibits, within the same chapter, traits of an infant, a toddler, and a kindergartener.  If you don’t know anything about small children, don’t write about one OR do your homework; a child who must be watched constantly so that she doesn’t fall off of the couch should not, in the same scene, tie her own shoe.  My hubby pointed out that this is also poor editing, but seriously?
  5.  I don’t particularly enjoy reading about characters in bad situations who make self-defeating choices.  I know it happens, but I don’t find reading about it to be entertaining.

There you have it.  In my opinion, there’s a reason that, while it won the National Book Award in 1996, I purchased a bargain copy–a remainder–sometime before the fall of 2000.  Parrot in the Oven apparently came out at the perfect time, but it has flaws, and those flaws diminish its staying power.  The good news, of course, is that I’ve read it, and now it can leave my house!  On to something new!

Mar 17, 2017 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Bits of Nothing

Bits of Nothing

  1.  I am absurdly excited to have chocolate chocolate chip banana muffins for breakfast tomorrow morning.  It’s a Saturday morning tradition, but last week there was all the vomit.
  2. I’ve been practicing Sunday’s hymns for a month; we’ll see how I do.  The one is long and fairly hard, but it’s also fabulous, perfect for the lesson, and rarely sung.  The other isn’t bad, but it’s still a new hymn for me.
  3. Watching my 4-year-old son down a Costco hot dog and then ask me if he could have his sister’s was somewhat disturbing.
  4.  Five gallon buckets of sheet rock mud–of the topping variety–are really, really heavy.
  5. Tomorrow is supposed to hit 79, and it feels so wrong to be contemplating using the AC on March 18th.
  6. I like our elementary school, but MUST they have so many fundraisers?
  7. One eye tooth down, three to go.
  8. Why am I so tired when I don’t feel like I accomplished all that much today?
  9. Would pasta three nights in a row be a bad thing?
  10. I miss being able to do puzzles without toddler “help.”